
  1. 基于多Agent的物流决策支持系统协调通讯机制研究

    Negotiation and Communication Mechanism of Logistics Decision Supported System Based on Multi-agent

  2. 基于ANP方法的逆向物流决策模型和算法

    A Decision Model and Algorithm in Reverse Logistics Based on ANP Method

  3. 此外还实际开发了基于GIS的突发事件物流决策支持系统,利用GIS技术,提高了突发事件物流管理的空间可视化和数据分析能力。

    The author also actually design a emergency logistics decision support system based on GIS , which enhances the spacial visual ability and data analysis ability of the emergency logistics management .

  4. 基于多源信息融合的军事物流决策研究

    Research on Military Logistics Decision Technology Based on Multi-resource Information Fusion

  5. 基于生产者责任差异的逆向物流决策比较

    Comparison of reverse logistics decision under different producer responsibility arrangement

  6. 第三方逆向物流决策与网络构建

    The Decision and Network Construction of the Third Party Reverse Logistics Research

  7. 论在物流决策中最佳运输方式的选择问题

    The Selective Problem of the Best Transportation Pattern in the Logistics Decision

  8. 论我国企业的第三方物流决策和运作

    Domestic Enterprise ' 3rd Party Logistics Decision-making and Operation

  9. 第三方物流决策

    The third - party logistics decision - making

  10. 物流决策支持系统开发研究

    Research on Development of Logistics Decision Supporting System

  11. 现代企业经营中的物流决策与管理

    Logistics Decisions and Management in Modern Enterprises Operation

  12. 企业规模、企业性质在第三方物流决策上显著差异。

    The enterprise scale and enterprise system had a significant influence on the decision of TPL in the enterprises .

  13. 贮运是物流决策中的关键所在,贮运成本比其它物流成本所占的比重都高。

    Storage is the key to logistics decision-making , and the proportion of storage cost is higher than others .

  14. 应用系统集成方法研究电子商务环境下物流决策支持系统的开发原理。

    This paper studied the construction of logistics decision support system ( LDSS ) in E-commerce environments by systemic integration method .

  15. 本文首先对第三方物流决策模型的演进过程作了一个系统的分析和梳理;

    The first part of the paper is devoted to the systematic analysis of the evolution process of the decision-making models of3PL ;

  16. 物流决策是物流管理中的一个重要环节,做好物流决策优化,则可以为我们带来巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    Logistics Decision is an important part of the Logistics Management , to improve Logistics Optimization can bring enormous economic and social benefits for us .

  17. 对涉足电子商务的企业而言,不同的情况需要不同的物流决策,而在物流决策中,物流模式的选择是应首先考虑的。

    Different situation needs different logistics decision-making to enterprises stepping in the electronic commerce but the choice of logistics pattern should be firstly considered in logistics decision-making .

  18. 研究表明,物流决策支持系统开发是一个十分复杂的软件和硬件集成过程,数据库和模型库设计是系统开发的关键所在。

    The results indicate that the system development of LDSS involves complicated processes of software and hardware integration and the design of database is the key of the development .

  19. 通过建立运输工具评价指标体系,定量地研究了在物流决策中最佳运输方式的选择问题。

    The paper , by the means of establishing evaluation index system of transport facilities , quantitatively study the selection problem of the best transportation pattern in the logistics decision .

  20. 基于GIS农产品物流配送决策与信息平台研究

    Research on the Decision System and Information Platform of Agriculture Products Distribution Based on GIS

  21. 通过该系统的调试运行,证明将Agent技术应用于物流配送决策提高了决策的效率。

    This system 's operation proves that the decision making efficiency for enterprise 's network distribution can be raised by using the technique of Agent .

  22. 针对电子商务下企业物流配送决策面临的新要求,将Agent技术应用于企业物流网络配送决策。

    Aimed at the new request raised by electronic commerce for enterprise 's distribution decision , the technique of Agent is applied to assist the decision making for enterprise 's network distribution .

  23. 定位&运输路线安排问题(LRP)是分销网络设计和物流管理决策中的难题。

    Location-routing problem is one of the problems in distribution network designing and logistic management .

  24. 文中对城市物流配送决策问题作了重点研究,依据城市物流配送中心的特点,建立了城市物流配送决策问题的一般模型,并采用IPO功能设计加以解决。

    The logistics distribution decision problems are studied , on the basis of the characteristics of city logistics distribution center , set up logistics distribution decision problem of the general model , and uses the IPO function design to solve .

  25. 分析了企业进行物流模式决策的要素,并在此基础上构建了企业物流模式决策程序,提出了基于AHP的物流模式决策新方法。

    This paper analyzes on the factors influencing the decision making of material flow mode of enterprise , based on this constructs the decision making process for enterprise 's material flow , and advances a new method of material flow decision making based on AHP .

  26. 该模型能够很好地解决企业物流外包决策中的第三方物流(3PL)服务商的选择问题。

    The model is based on the systematic analysis and the quantitative evaluation to the enterprise ′ s correlation essential factors , which can be used to choose Third Party Logistics ( 3PL ) services .

  27. 在供应链系统的数据库或数据仓库之中存储了大量的数据,如果在供应链数据仓库的基础之上开发OLAP数据挖掘系统,可以使供应链数据仓库更好地适应物流企业决策的需求。

    A vast data have been storied in the database of supply chains system or data warehouse . Developing OLAP data mining system in supply chain data warehouse can make supply chain data warehouse to accommodate the need of decision-making of logistics enterprise .

  28. 制造企业物流外包决策的临界效应

    Critical Effect of Decision Making for Logistics Outsourcing of Manufacturing Enterprises

  29. 基于核心竞争力的企业物流外包决策研究

    A Study of Logistics Outsourcing Decision : From Core Competence View

  30. 物流信息决策的自适应蚁群算法初探

    An Adaptive Ant Colony Algorithm for the Decision of Logistics Information