
  • 网络Barcode Label;bar code label;bar code tag
  1. 随着二维条码技术在弹药领域的应用,文中分析了弹药条码载体材料应具备的特性以及适合恶劣环境条件下的弹药条码标签载体材料的选择。

    The properties of materials suitable for ammunition bar code label and the selection of materials in environmental extremes were analyzed .

  2. 多信道双识别码操作车辆识别代号条码标签

    Multi channel and dual ID operation Vehicle identification number bar-code label

  3. 药品编码可以利用条码标签或电子标签。

    Medicine coding makes use of the bar-code tag or electronic tag .

  4. 备有条码标签,以个别包装方式递送,具有母螺纹。

    Furnished with bar code sticker , delivered as kit , with female thread .

  5. 车辆识别代号条码标签

    Vehicle identification number bar-code label

  6. 食品安全控制中条码质量追溯标签的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Bar Code Traceability Label under Food Safety Control

  7. 在将邮政条码添加到标签和信封之前,计算机上必须安装有邮政条码字体。

    Before you add postal bar codes to labels and envelopes , you must have a postal bar code font installed on your computer .

  8. 过程中无需配备条码打印机和粘贴标签,省时、省力、方便快捷,杜绝了信息采集与传递过程中的差错,提高了检验质量与管理水平。

    Barcode printer and labels sticking are unnecessary in the process , witch saved time and labor source , the examination quality and the management level have been improved through a convenient way .

  9. 如果您要从头开始,请打开一个大小与要在其上打印姓名、地址和条码的信封或标签相匹配的出版物。

    If you are starting from scratch , open a publication that matches the size of the envelopes or labels on which you intend to print names , addresses , and bar codes .

  10. 在简要论述金属条码基本原理的基础上,提出了采用金属条码标签植入钻柱接头管理钻柱的方法。

    Based on introducing the working principles of the metal bar code , a method to manage drill string by planting metal bar code into the connection was developed .

  11. 使用二维QR条码技术,从资产入库开始,采集资产的各项基本属性,生成资产条码标签。

    Using two-dimensional bar code technology , starting from the asset storage , gathering assets ' basic properties , generate asset bar code labels .