
  • 网络BARCODE LABEL;Bar Code Label;barcode;UPC
  1. 我们不需要特殊的机器创建或打印条形码标签。

    We don 't need a special machine to create or print a barcode label .

  2. 这条形码标签的设计和印刷的应用是一个自由的,全功能,高品质,而且易于使用。

    This barcode label design and printing application is a free , fully functional , high quality and easy to use .

  3. 一枚条形码标签系在摄氏温度计上。

    There is a bar code label attached on the centigrade thermometer .

  4. 我们的客户将提供用于产品的条形码标签。

    Our customer will provide barcode labels to be applied to the product .

  5. 图书馆条形码标签的设计方法

    Design Method of Bar Code Label of Library

  6. 〔方法〕结合实验室自身特点选择编码标准、设计条形码标签并将其应用于医学实验室。

    Methods To select barcode encoding standard and design bar code and then implement in medical laboratory Linked the characteristic of our laboratory .

  7. 我们将通过联邦快递寄给你们条形码标签、正唛标志和侧唛标志。

    We will send the barcode labels , shipping marks , and sidemarks by FedEx as soon as they are rec 'd from the customer .

  8. 现代工业生产中,条形码标签被广泛应用于各种行业。本文的标签系统应用于工厂车间的产品自动输送包装线。

    In modern industrial production , barcode has been widely used in all industries . The label system applies to the automation transport-packing line among factories .

  9. 检验科根据条形码标签上的不同标记,扫描条形码标记后调取检验信息进行检验,检验结果经审核后,直接发送至各个需要用户终端。

    Picking inspection information and detecting them after scanning the different label in clinical laboratory , verifying the results , sending them directly to every terminals .

  10. 但是,由于条形码标签具有易损性、读取距离短、存储容量小等因素,制约了仓储工作效率的提高。

    But the vulnerability of bar code labels , short reading scan distance and small warehousing capacity are the serious shortcomings which can constrain the process of warehousing efficiency .

  11. 打印工作室条形码标签软件提供了各种各样的强大,但易于使用的工具,如形状,丰富的文字,层和混合,等等。

    Print Studio barcode label software provides a wide variety of powerful , yet easy to use tools such as shapes , rich text , layers and blending , and more .

  12. 目的研制一种能适用于我国检验领域的条形码信息标签。

    Objective To design bar codes information label for the clinical laboratory our country .

  13. 方法依据检验过程中所涉及的检验标本种类以及专业分工,将条形码信息标签分为14种,每种标签独具一种颜色和一个固定2位数前缀的10位流水号码。

    Methods Doing the bar code information label of 14 different kinds , according to kinds of sample and professional groups . Each kind of label owns a unique color and a sequence number with a prefix of 2 non changeable numbers .

  14. CEO的标签同时将条形码与RFID标签进行了比较。

    CEO 's Marker It also makes a comparison between bar codes and RFID .

  15. 结论通过条形码检验信息标签建立的检验信息管理系统,实现了自动化仪器的双向控制;

    Conclusion Bi-direction control for automatic analysis instruments has been achieved through commercial barcode examination information labels ;

  16. 方法设计与制作不同颜色的条形码检验信息标签,各种标签的条形码号码为流水号且两位前缀代表不同专业组别或项目并与标签颜色相对应。

    Methods Design and make barcode examination information labels with sequence number and different colors , which are corresponding to the different kinds of specialty and program .

  17. 条形码化检验信息标签在临床实验室中的应用

    Application of bar code information label in the clinical laboratory

  18. 结果将检验医嘱在计算机条形码系统中自动分类并赋予条形码标记,在患者采样时打印条形码标签,粘贴在采样管上。

    Results To classify the doctor ′ s advice in computer barcode system automatically and create barcode , print barcode labels when sampling and paste labels on sample tubes .