
  • 网络Global Information Network;WIPONET;world wide web
  1. 随着全球信息网络化浪潮的冲击,Internet在我国逐渐得到了广泛深入的应用。

    Internet has widely been applied in our country with the tide of world-information-net .

  2. 随着全球信息网络的建立和完善,Internet时代已经来临,信息化管理已成为一股不可阻挡的潮流。

    Along with the establishment and consummation of the global information network , the internet time has approached , and the informationization management has become an irresistible tidal current .

  3. 全球信息网络与东亚馆藏发展

    Global Information Network and the Development of East Asian Language Collections

  4. 适合于中小企业的全球信息网络工程概况

    General Situation on a Project Global Information Network for SMIs

  5. 2005年全球信息网络的展望

    Prospecting for 2005 's Global Information Net

  6. 在当今的信息化社会中,随着全球信息网络的不断健全和沟通手段的日益现代化,通过各种渠道获得的信息量越来越大。

    The mount of information obtained through a variety of channels is creasing , with the consummating global information network and the modern means of communication .

  7. 当今时代,全球信息网络技术蓬勃发展,越来越多的企业已经开始采用计算机信息管理技术进行企业经营。

    In modern times , the global information of network technology is vigorously developing , more and more companies have applied computer technology to manage the enterprise .

  8. 自媒体的发展道路还将继续下去,与传统媒体的融合是不可避免的趋势,全球信息网络的形成也指日可待。

    The road to development of we media will proceed and the tendency of media convergence is inevitable . Therefore , the formation of global information network is not far .

  9. 在全球信息网络蓬勃发展的时代,计算机信息管理技术已经成为企业经营的普遍模式,掌握较大信息量同时快速处理这些信息是越来越多的企业所追求的目标。

    In the booming development of the global information network area , the computer information management technology has become the universal business model . More information at the same time have to deal with these information is rapidly increasing number of enterprises pursuit of the goal .

  10. 另一方面,随着全球信息网络技术的发展,全球市场的形成及技术变革的加速,钢铁企业面临着不断缩短交货期,提高质量,降低成本和改进服务的压力。

    On the other hand , with the development of the international communication and the globe market coming into being , the steel enterprise have the pressure such as the time of delivery shortened , heighten quality , the cost is depressed and improve the service .

  11. Internet的出现,使全球信息处理网络化变为现实。

    The occurrence of Internet has made the networking of global information processing a reality .

  12. 在过去几年里,Internet的资源迅速增长,使web发展成为包含多种信息资源,站点遍布全球信息服务网络。

    In the past few years , the rapid growth of the internet resource made the web to develop into a number of information resource and sites around the world information network .

  13. 随着以Internet为核心的网络的发展,覆盖天下、网络全球的信息网络环境已初步形成,图书馆正面临着一个日益普及的数字化信息化环境。

    With the development of network centering round the Internet , there forms the information network that covers and connects the whole world . The library is also facing with a gradually popularized digital information environment .

  14. 我们实施非常细致的签证审查程序,综合面谈以及背景和生物特征多项核查,以高度发达的全球信息技术网络作后盾。

    We have an intensive visa screening process incorporating personal interviews with multiple biographic and biometric checks , all supported by a sophisticated global information technology network .

  15. 在21实际维持健康的人口将要求系统工程学方法重新设计保健实践,并整合本地、地区、国家以及全球信息学网络。

    Maintaining a healthy population in the21st century will require systems engineering approaches to redesign care practices and integrate local , regional , national and global informatics networks .

  16. 在全球信息技术、网络技术不断发展和广泛应用的推动下,电子渠道已成为电信运营商与客户进行信息沟通和交易的重要形式。

    Promoted by global information technology , network technology development and wide application , electronics channel has become an important form of communication and transactions between Telecom operators and customers .

  17. 外部动因主要是经济全球一体化、信息网络技术的发展、不同企业的核心竞争力及其之间的沟通信任等。

    Outside agent being development of economy whole world integration , information network technology mainly , being unlike between the enterprise core competition and their communicating with trusting and so on .

  18. 随着时代的发展变化,在全球信息数字化、网络化浪潮的冲击影响下,学校传统德育面临着严峻挑战。

    With the development and change of the times now , under the circumstances of global information digitization , impact of network tide , the traditional moral education of schools faces the severe challenge .

  19. 随着全球信息产业和网络技术的发展,越来越多的金融机构开办网上银行业务,以电子商务为表现形式的网上银行已呈现出了一种发展趋势。

    Along with the development of global information industry and network technology , more and more financial institutions run the electronic-bank . The electronic-bank taking e-commerce as form of expression has already demonstrated a kind of development trend .

  20. 基于Internet的全球共享的航运信息网络必成为新世纪航运信息的真正来源。

    Consequently , a globally shared shipping information network on the basis of Internet will become the main source of shipping information in the new century .

  21. 随着Internet的飞速发展,Web己经发展成为包含多种信息资源、站点分布全球的海量信息服务网络。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , the Web has become a service network providing mass information , which includes all kinds of information resources and sites distributed all over the world .

  22. 目前WWW已经发展成为包含多种信息资源、站点遍布全球的巨大信息服务网络,成为世界上最丰富和最密集的信息来源。

    Nowadays World Wide Web has become a huge information service web full of all kinds of information resources with web-stations standing all around the world .

  23. 此后,P.Hall、J.Friedman、P.J.Knox等从世界城市、全球一体化、信息技术网络化的角度对世界大城市群的特征、功能、结构、等级体系等进行了开拓性的研究。

    P.Hall , J.Friedman and P.J. Knox explored the characteristics , functions , structure and grading system of big cities all over the world from an aspect of world cities , globalization , and the information technology networks .

  24. 全球信息网在网际网络的基本主从式架构中运作。

    The Web operates within the Internet 's Basic client-server architecture .

  25. 全球信息网:网际网络主要的信息交换服务。

    World Wide Web ( WWW ): or Web ; Leading information-exchange service of the Internet .

  26. 信息技术和因特网的飞速发展,带来了全球信息资源不可逆转的网络化发展趋势。

    The fast development of information technology and Internet bring about the irreversible development trend of the information resources in the world .

  27. 伴随着全球信息电子化、网络化的迅猛发展,网络银行这种新生事物随之应运而生。

    Along with the development of global information in electronic form and the network-based , internet banks came into being such a new thing then .

  28. 然而随着全球经济一体化、信息网络化等诸多外界因素的影响,企业人力资源管理面临着巨大挑战。

    However , as the global economy integration , information network , and many other external factors , enterprise human resources management is facing a huge challenge .

  29. 近年来,随着互联网技术在世界范围内的加速普及,覆盖全球的互联网以及信息网络系统正在逐步建立。

    Recent years , as to accelerate the popularization of the Internet worldwide , the global coverage of the Internet and information network system is gradually established .

  30. 网络推手又被称作网络营销、网络公关,诞生于作为无中心全球信息交互平台的网络社会。

    " Network Propagandist " also addressed as network marketing and public relations , was founded in the network society as no center of global information interaction platform .