
  • 网络ECIWO;eciwo biology;Holographic biology
  1. 全息生物学与复杂性

    ECIWO Biology and Complexity

  2. 根据全息生物学原理,研究叶、茎、花自主发育过程中表现的全息胚特征,划分为六种类型全息胚;

    According to the principle of ECIWO biology , ECIWO characteristics of strawberry in autonomous development of leaf , stem and flower were studied in this paper .

  3. 全息生物学预测诊查心脏疾病特征指标研究

    Study on feature index of Holographic biology in diagnosing heart disease

  4. 啤酒大麦源库性状的全息生物学研究

    ECIWO Biology of Source-Sink Characters in Malting Barley

  5. 大豆的全息生物学研究

    Study on Holographic Biology of Soybean

  6. 将全息生物学中的全息胚与中医理论相结合,指导眼病的辨证。

    The holoembryo theory in holobiology is applied together with Chinese medical theories in the treatment of ophthalmopathy .

  7. 其中之一就是山东大学教授张颖清在20世纪80年代提出的“全息生物学”。

    One of these is a'holographic biology'theory invented by Zhang Yingqing , during his time at Shandong University from the late1980s to the1990s .

  8. 根据全息生物学的理论,研究了咖啡树枝条不同部位叶片的面积、座果数量和光合速率等性状的差异。

    Differences in leaf area , amount of berry setting and photosynthetic rate between different parts of coffee branches were studied according to the ECIWO ( Embryo Containing the Information of the Whole Organism ) biology theory .