
  • 网络Chiropractic;spine pinching
  1. 捏脊可明显改善小儿缺铁性贫血的临床症状,面色、食欲、神疲乏力、大便、唇、舌色的改善效果非常显著(P0.01)。

    The chiropractic measure can clearly improve the clinical symptoms , such as : complexion , appetite , physical strength , stool , color of lips and tongue ( P0.01 ) .

  2. 目的:观察冯氏捏脊手法治疗小儿缺铁性贫血(IDA)(脾胃虚弱型)的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the clinical curative effect of Fengshi chiropractic therapy for iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) in children ( weakness of the spleen and the stomach ) .

  3. 捏脊疗法治疗小儿外感发热临床观察

    The Chinical Observation of Chiropractic Therapy on Exogenous Fever of Pediatrics

  4. ①目的观察捏脊疗法对儿童脾气虚证的治疗效果。

    The Chinical Observation of Chiropractic Therapy on Exogenous Fever of Pediatrics ;

  5. 捏脊疗法治疗婴幼儿腹泻效果观察

    Therapeutic observation of pinching massage for infants with diarrhea

  6. 捏脊疗法对家兔胃运动影响的实验观察

    Experimental Observation of Chiropractic Therapy on the Effects of Stomach Motion of Rabbit

  7. 捏脊与按摩治疗糖尿病性胃轻瘫的效果

    Effect of chiropractic and massage in treating diabetic gastroparesis

  8. 捏脊疗法治疗小儿哮喘疗效确切,且无毒副作用。

    Chiropractics has definite therapeutic effect on children asthma and has no side-effects .

  9. 观察组除上述措施外,给予捏脊背、足底按摩和摄养调护等扶正护理。

    The patients in the observation group received nursing care of strengthening body resistance .

  10. 耳穴贴压结合捏脊治疗小儿消瘦临床观察

    Clinical observation on auricular-plaster therapy combined with chiropractics for treatment of emaciation in children

  11. 捏脊疗法对脾气虚证兔血清D-木糖的影响

    Effect of chiropractic therapy on serum D-xylose of spleen Qi deficiency syndrome in rabbits

  12. 捏脊与按摩促进腹部术后胃瘫病人康复效果观察

    Effect of Chiropractics and Massage on Patients with Gastroplegia after Operation on Abdominal Region

  13. 观察组在一般治疗的基础上采用捏脊与按摩疗法。

    On the basis of which , the treatment group was added chiropractics and massage .

  14. 按摩法:实施捏脊疗法后接着进行按摩。

    Massage was performed after chiropractic .

  15. 目的:观察针灸配合捏脊治疗小儿遗尿的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe clinical effort of acupuncture plus moxibustion and chiropractic therapy on infantile enuresis .

  16. 结果表明,捏脊疗法对正常胃运动有加强作用,对抑制的胃运动亦有显著加强作用。

    The results show that chiropractic therapy can improve the normal stomach motion and inhibited stomach motion .

  17. 针刺四缝穴加捏脊治疗疳积症临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Chiropractics Combined with Acupuncture at Sifeng ( EX-UE-10 ) for Treatment of Infantile Anorexia

  18. 单用捏脊疗法治疗小儿脾虚证的疗效评定

    Therapeutic Effect Evaluating on Pinch the Backbone Treatment Symptom Integration of the Spleen-Qi Deficiency Syndrome in Children

  19. 结论:捏脊加刺四缝穴对治疗小儿厌食症有较好的疗效。

    Conclusion Chiropractics combined with acupuncture at Sifeng ( EX-UE 10 ) has a better therapeutic effect on infantile anorexia .

  20. 目的:观察捏脊疗法治疗脾胃气虚型小儿厌食症的临床疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of chiropractic for infantile anorexia due to insufficiency of spleen-qi and stomach-qi .

  21. 治疗组采用捏脊疗法+传统推拿手法+基础治疗,对照组采用传统推拿手法+基础治疗。

    The treatment group use chiropractic and basic treatment , the control group use traditional massage techniques and basic treatment .

  22. 目的:研究捏脊疗法治疗小儿外感发热的免疫及肠道微生态机制。

    Objective : To study the immunization and intestinal canal microecosystem mechanism of chiropractic in treating childrens fever caused by exogenous pathogens .

  23. 观察组:采用捏脊与按摩疗法进行治疗,每7天为1个疗程,治疗4个疗程。

    Observational group : Patients were treated with chiropractic and massage , 7 days as a course , and 4 courses in total .

  24. 结论捏脊敷脐疗法治疗小儿惊吓症,疗效显著,优于口服琥珀抱龙胶囊。

    Conclusion There is significant therapeutic effects in chiropractic and apply drugs in umbilicus for children shock syndrome , which better than the Hupo Baolong Capsule .

  25. 结论:捏脊与按摩疗法有整体调理,又有局部治疗作用,即能促进胃动力的恢复,又能促进药物的吸收而使血糖降低的作用,且无不良反应。

    CONCLUSION : Chiropractic and massage have both whole and local therapeutical effect , and can promote recovery of stomach motive force and absorption of drugs to decrease content of blood glucose , and side effects are not found out .

  26. 目的:通过整理与研究,提供冯氏捏脊手法的技术操作规范,用以治疗小儿缺铁性贫血的应用研究,以提高中医临床医疗技术水平,便于推广应用。

    Purpose : On the basis of arranging and studying , regulations for technical operations of Feng 's Chiropractic Technique is provided to treat pediatric iron-deficiency anemia , to improve the clinical level of TCM , and convenient for application and dissemination .