
niē zào
  • fabricate;concoct;fake;trump up;invent;mendacity;manufacture;cook up
捏造 [niē zào]
  • [fabricate;concoct;fake;invent] 凭空编造

  • 他为了向上爬,捏造了我很多罪名

捏造[niē zào]
  1. 但为什么人们会捏造数字,损害自己的利益呢?

    But why would people fabricate numbers to their own detriment ?

  2. 尽管《时代》周刊在主观上会坚持客观反映事实的新闻理念,不会因为国家利益和意识形态去捏造和故意歪曲事实。

    Although in subjectivity Time will insist on the news philosophy of reflecting objective fact , not fabricate and deliberately distort facts for national interests and ideology .

  3. 此案情纯属捏造,已在法庭上被揭穿。

    The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court .

  4. 最新的犯罪统计数字完全是捏造的。

    The latest crime figures are a complete sham .

  5. 这些指控纯属捏造。

    These accusations are totally untrue .

  6. 他说这些数字都是捏造的,完全不准确。

    He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate .

  7. 他说的话里没有任何蓄意捏造的成分。

    There was nothing contrived or calculated about what he said

  8. 4人全都声称警察捏造证据陷害他们。

    All four claim that officers fabricated evidence against them

  9. 在这些方面和其他几个方面都存在许多捏造与夸张之处。

    In these and several other respects , there are many inventions and exaggerations

  10. 辩护论点为问讯记录是警方捏造的。

    The defence was that the records of the interviews were fabricated by the police

  11. 有人正在捏造虚假诽谤的故事。

    Scurrilous and untrue stories were being invented .

  12. 弗格森先生说犯人捏造了这件事儿以求轻判。

    Mr Ferguson said the prisoner concocted the story to get a lighter sentence .

  13. 这些指控纯属捏造。

    The allegations were completely untrue

  14. 纯属捏造。

    That 's sheer fabrication .

  15. 那个女人捏造种种毫无根据的罪名指控他。

    That woman trumped up various baseless charges against him .

  16. 这纯然是捏造。

    This is sheer fabrication .

  17. 她捏造了假消息。

    She invented false news .

  18. 在审判中已搞清楚了,对被告的大部分指控是捏造的。

    It became clear , during the trial , that most of the charges against the defendant were trumped up .

  19. 西尔维亚与主管人相处得不好,因而害怕他会捏造一些罪名使她名誉扫地。

    Sylvia does not get on with the supervisor and the danger is that he will trump up some charge to discredit her .

  20. “捏造恋情”指的是虚假恋情,尤指为了增加知名度而捏造出来的恋情。

    Fauxmance is a fake romance , particularly one used to generate publicity1 for the participants .

  21. 在当一位系谱学者揭露她之后承认自己关于二战犹太大屠杀的畅销书是捏造的。

    Misha Defonseca acknowledged her bestselling Holocaust story as a fake after a genealogist outed her . MishaDefonseca

  22. 然而9.11事件只不过是US为了持续战争事业而捏造的名分。

    But " 9.11 " event is just a fabricated excuse for continuing its war career .

  23. 花,信,e-mail和所有的一切都是捏造的。

    The flowers and the letters and the e-mails and everything .

  24. 他们给了4组看起来很模糊类似的单词,同时告诉一些捏造的名字,比如毫无意义的汉语单音节名字——song。

    They took four similar shades of green and blue and gave them made-up names - meaningless Mandarin monosyllables like s ò ng .

  25. 去年,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)丢了一回面子,被迫登报承认一个年轻记者杰森•布莱尔(JaysonBlair)剽窃和捏造新闻。

    Last year , The New York Times suffered the humiliation of having to acknowledge in print that one of its young reporters , Jayson Blair , had plagiarised and fabricated stories .

  26. 报告中引用一位所谓“LivingSocial高级传媒主管”的说法纯属捏造。

    The quotes from a " senior LivingSocial communication executive " are straight up fiction .

  27. 俄勒冈州里德大学校长科林•戴福尔(ColinDiver)认为,“排名(的重要性)使人们有强烈的欲望去捏造数据,或采用非正当手段(参与竞争)。”

    Colin Diver , the president of Reed College in Oregon , considers that " rankings create powerful incentives to manipulate data and distort institutional behaviour . "

  28. 苏哈托去年11月致函SFO,断然否认一切指控,并称这些指控系捏造。

    Mr Suharto wrote to the SFO in November to deny categorically all wrongdoing , adding that the accusations were false .

  29. 该报道涉及的最大牌的球星是丹佛野马队(DenverBroncos)的四分卫佩顿·曼宁(PeytonManning)。他愤怒地否认了报道内容,称之为“一派胡言”、“全盘捏造”。

    The most prominent athlete mentioned in the report was the Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning , who angrily denied the report , calling it " complete garbage " and " totally made up . "

  30. 他协助FBI选择有嫌疑的目标,并联系了一大批人,告知他们他的委托人(即捏造出来的阿拉伯酋长)想要投资一大笔钱以换来可观的政治优惠条件。

    He assisted the FBI in selecting potential targets and contacted a variety of individuals to tell them that his principals ( in this case the concocted Arab sheik ) were looking to invest large sums of money in exchange for various political favors .