
  1. ICP-AES法测定道地中药材川乌头不同器官和炮制品矿质元素含量

    Determination on Mineral Elements Content in Different Organs and Processed Products of Sichuan Aconitum carmichaeli Based on ICP-AES

  2. 半夏是宁夏六盘山区道地中药材之一。

    Pinellia tuber is one of the crude medicine plants in Ningxia ( Liupanshan district ) .

  3. 主产于河南省封丘县的金银花是我国著名的道地中药材,但在生产中,其品种单一、退化严重且繁殖速度较慢,无法满足大田规模化种植和市场的需求。

    Is a famous authentic Chinese herbal medicine , which is major in Fengqiu city of Henan province . Because of the single species , serious degradation and the low speed of propagation , there is no ways to satisfy the need of large scale planting and market .

  4. 通过构建优质、道地、珍稀中药材DNA分子标记与基因文库,实现中药的防伪;

    Realizes the Chinese herbal medicine ′ s anti-counterfeit through structuring the premium , genuine and rare traditional Chinese medicine ′ s DNA mark and gene library ;