
  1. 这里的德治,不是与人治、法治直接对应的范畴,而是在法治方略中强调道德与法治的关系问题。

    The conception of " rule of virtue " in this essay is not a catagory which opposes against rule by man and rule by law , it just emphasizes the relationship between moral and legal .

  2. 然而互联网在为人们提供便利的同时,也在政治、道德与法治等方面埋下了诸多隐患,究其原因,即是因为互联网中泛滥着各种不良信息。

    However , the Internet While providing convenience for people , but also the political , moral , and the rule of law planted a lot of hidden dangers , reason , that is flooding the Internet with a variety of adverse information .

  3. 主权:政治现实、道德理想与法治桥梁

    Sovereignty : Political Reality , Moral Ideal , and Law as a Bridge

  4. 和谐社会视角下传统道德观与法治精神的当代整合

    Contemporary Combination of Traditional Morality and Statutable Spirit Under the View of Harmonious Society

  5. 法律的道德性与法治若在思想关系领域,则从法律形式到物质内容都属于上层建筑范畴;

    On the Law Philosophy Thinking of Morals and Legal Relation and Its Practical Meaning Part II is about the character of legal relation .

  6. 本文正文部分主要包括三部分:第一部分为公务员从政道德法律规制与中国法治建设。

    In this paper , the text part mainly includes three parts : The first part is the civil service from politics moral law regulation and the rule of law construction .

  7. 第四部分从道德与法的创制、道德与法的适用、道德与法的遵守三个法治的动态层面,揭示道德与法治社会之确立的有机关联;

    The forth part reveals the established organic correlation between morality and legal society by analyzing the dynamic relations between morality and law establishment , morality and law applications and morality and the abidance by law ;

  8. 在本文当中,笔者从道德与法律的相互关系入手,逐步分析当前道德危机出现的原因及引发的问题,从而探讨道德体系的重建与法治秩序的建构之路。

    In this paper , the author begins with the relationship between law and morality , and gradually analyses of the reason of current moral crisis and the problem caused by the moral system to explore the way of moral reconstruction and legal order construction .