
  1. 遍及移动设备、PC、家用游戏机甚至次时代游戏的免费游戏已经帮助这个行业扩大了受众。

    Available across mobile devices , PCs , consoles , and even coming to next-gen , F2P has helped broaden the demographics of the industry .

  2. 预计索尼和微软(Microsoft)将在E3游戏展上发布其他的次时代游戏。

    At E3 , additional next-gen games are expected to be announced by both Sony and Microsoft ( MSFT ) .

  3. 次时代游戏原本指新一代游戏主机下的游戏。

    Gen games originally refer to games under a new generation of game consoles .

  4. 现在次时代游戏指代和同类游戏相比下更加先进的游戏,即下一代游戏。

    Now , gen games means the more advanced games , comparing with other similar ones , namely , next generation games .