
cì fǎn yìnɡ
  • Secondary reaction;secondary response
  1. CaO作为脱硫剂加入的热解反应中对热解的二次反应有催化作用。

    CaO catalyze pyrolysis secondary reactions .

  2. 氧化铝熟料溶出二次反应过程SiO2进入铝酸钠溶液的动力学机理

    Kinetic mechanism of SiO_2 dissolving into sodium aluminate solution in secondary reaction during clinker-leaching

  3. 我们根据其编码基因的启动子和终止子中的一致序列,设计了一对PCR引物,用一次反应即同时获得了这3个基因的克隆。

    According to the consensus of their promoter region and terminator region , we designed one couple of PCR primers that can amplify all of three CBF genes by one reaction .

  4. 对烧结法生产氧化铝熟料溶出过程中的主要相关二次反应进行了热力学分析,研究了溶出过程中SiO2的行为。

    Some important secondary reactions during alumina sinter leaching have been analyzed thermodynamically , and the behavior of SiO2 in the process also investigated .

  5. 从降烯烃、降硫和增产丙烯的现实需要出发,分析了FCC汽油二次反应中的理想和非理想反应。

    The ideal reactions and non-ideal reactions for reducing gasoline olefin and sulfur , and increasing propylene were proposed by analyzing potential secondary reactions of catalytically cracked gasoline .

  6. 采用GC-MS联用系统对生物油进行成分分析,发现生物油主要组分之间呈现相互竞争的趋势,在二次反应不明显发生条件下,高温有利于糖类以外产物的生成。

    GC-MS analysis of bio-oil showed that the major components of bio-oil have a tendency of competition in formation , and high temperature could enhance the production rate except saccharide .

  7. 在400~480°C,液体产率随温度增加而上升,高于480°C时,二次反应的加剧又导致液体产品产率下降。

    Within the temperature range from 400 ° C to 480 ° C , the yield of liquid product increases along with the ( reaction ) temperature , and however , decreases as temperature rises over 480 ° C when secondary reactions ( become ) significant .

  8. 研究表明,Al2O3的酸性导致催化剂表面乙烯发生深度二次反应,致使CO加氢生成饱和烃及烯烃的选择性降低。

    It is found that the acidity of Al2O3 would bring about secondary reactions of ethylene over the catalyst and CO hydrogenation to saturated hydrocarbons , thus leading to a decrease of the selectivity to light olefins .

  9. HCN受二次反应程度的影响最为明显。(4)对稻草、树叶和木屑快速热解产物分布进行了考察。

    HCN has the highest sensitivity to the secondary reactions . ( 4 ) Product distributions under rapid pyrolysis of rice straw , chinar leaves , and pine sawdust were investigated .

  10. 作为缓冲液,能维持酸岩反应体系的低pH值,减小氟化钙、氢氧化铁、氢氧化铝、氟化铝等砂岩酸化中二次反应伤害沉淀物。

    As a buffer fluid , acetic acid can help maintain a low pH in the acid-rock reaction system , reducing the amount of damaging precipitants ( such as calcium fluoride , ferric hydroxide , aluminum hydroxide , and aluminum fluoride etc. ) generated in the acid treatment of sand .

  11. 在催化裂化(FCC)提升管反应器的出口处,通常设有快速分离设施,其作用是使反应油气与催化剂迅速分离,达到快速中止汽油裂化等不利的二次反应以提高反应选择性的目的。

    In order to provide a quick seperation of reactor products and products and catalyst , s avoid the unfavorable secondary reaction such as gasoline cracking etc. and increase the selectivity of reaction process , a rapid seperator is generally installed at the outlet of FCC riser .

  12. 使用FIB气体混合系统的高速加热炉可以控制空气/燃气的比例,通过气体的高速对流加热,达到加热区没有火焰与钢丝接触、高速加热、内部燃烧、预混、没有2次反应的加热水平。

    High velocity burners with the FIB mixer can control the ratio air / gas in order to obtain the level that no flame in the furnace and in contact with steel wire , high speed heating , combustion inside , premix ; no secondary reaction .

  13. 粗产品用二次反应法和重结晶法相结合进行纯化。

    The crude product is purified by second conversion and recrystallization .

  14. 二次反应抑制剂及其添加工艺技术研究

    Technical Research of Secondary Reaction Inhibitor and it 's Sweetening Process

  15. 第二次反应为形核孕育和爆发性反应二个阶段。

    The second reaction consists of nucleation pregnant and exploded reaction stages .

  16. 二次反应对煤热解产品组成的影响

    The Effects of Secondary Reaction on the Product Composition of Coal Pyrolysis

  17. 整个反应受二次反应控制,即受扩散控制。

    The whole reaction is controlled by the second reaction .

  18. 催化裂化汽油二次反应过程中反应热的变化

    Variation of reaction heat for secondary reaction of FCC gasoline

  19. 氧化铝熟料溶出过程二次反应的热力学讨论

    Thermodynamic analysis of secondary reactions in the clinker leaching process

  20. 铝酸盐熟料溶出二次反应研究

    The research on secondary reaction in sinter mixture leaching

  21. 轻柴油裂解一次反应研究

    A study of the primary reactions of thermal cracking of light gas oil

  22. 带空气注入系统的二次反应消声器

    Secondary Reaction Muffler with Air - injection System

  23. 纤维素热裂解的二次反应研究

    Research on Secondary Reaction during Cellulose Pyrolysis

  24. 二次反应对熟料中氧化铝溶出率的影响分析

    A preliminary analysis of influences of secondary reaction on leaching rate of alumina in sintering mixture

  25. 对氧化铝熟料溶出过程涉及的二次反应进行了热力学计算和讨论。

    Thermodynamic computations and discussion of some reactions involved in the clinker leaching process are described .

  26. 因此,研究煤热解二次反应对实际过程有着重要的指导意义。

    For this reason , research on secondary reactions of the primary pyrolysis products becomes very important .

  27. 探讨了操作强度对二次反应转化率和选择性的影响。

    Effects of operating intensity on conversion and selectivity of gasoline secondary reactions were also investigated by experiments .

  28. 一系列的化学反应,其中某次反应的产物是下一次反应的反应物。

    A series of chemical reactions in which the product of one is a reactant in the next .

  29. 通过控制二次反应的条件,我们就可以控制热解产品的最终组成。

    We can adjust the final pyrolysis product composition by the control of secondary reactions conditions for different processes .

  30. 研究发现,进料量影响了炉管内的二次反应,进而对主要产物收率有重要影响。

    It was found that feed rate affected the secondary reaction in the pyrolysis furnace and the main product .