
  1. 移植成功率为100%,无自然消退现象;

    The transplantation was 100 % successful and there was no natural fadeaway phenomenon .

  2. 任务转换假说认为工作记忆任务执行过程中存在记忆消退现象。

    Task-switching hypothesis is a challenge to resource-sharing model . It suggests working memory is a memory decay process .

  3. 结论:小鼠肝癌原位移植模型成功率高,有高转移、无自发消退现象,可作为研究肝癌转移机制和药物筛选的理想模型。

    Conclusion : The orthotopic transplantation tumor model in mice is an ideal model for studying the metastatic mechanism and screening anti-tumor drugs for liver cancer , just because of its high successful rate and high spontaneous metastatic rate with no natural extinction .

  4. 本研究发现,解严后诗刊在刊物总量上有消退的现象。

    This research shows that the quantity of publishing poetic periodicals has been decreasing since the Post-Martial Law Era came .

  5. 方法1999年2月~2000年9月,在门诊保守治疗的患者中发现5例颈椎间盘突出自然消退的现象。

    Methods 5 patients of cervical disc herniation regression were observed among patients who received conservative treatment the clinic . Every patient received 2 to 3 times of MRI check .

  6. 正如莱因哈特和我所证明的那样,答案要在数百年的金融危机史中寻找,着重寻找杠杆率和资产价格迅速大幅升高的情况,一旦信心消退,这种激增现象就可能会突然崩溃。

    The answer , as Ms Reinhart and I demonstrate , drawing on centuries of financial crises , is to look particularly for situations with large rapid surges in leverage and asset prices , surges that can suddenly implode if confidence fades .