
  • 网络Fire emergency luminaries
  1. 消防应急灯具检测系统在对消防应急灯具的行业监督检验中发挥着重要的作用。

    The test system for fire emergency luminaries is very important in the industries of fire emergency luminaries . It fills in vacancy for test and supervision work .

  2. 消防应急灯具专用应急电源的外形尺寸。

    The dimens I on of the special emergency power supply for Fire emergency luminaries .

  3. 本文介绍了按照GB17945&2000规定,以DALI协议为通信手段的总线式消防应急灯具的设计。

    The design we introduced is according to the national standard of GB17945-2000 . It 's a bus snooping fire emergency Luminarites base on DALI ( Digital Addressable Lighting Interface ) protocol .

  4. 浅谈消防应急灯具及其供电设计

    Discussion on Emergency Light appliance and Its Power Supply Design

  5. 从产品标准看我国消防应急灯具行业的发展

    Seeing the Development of the Fire Emergency Light Trade in China from the Product Standard

  6. 本论文所设计的应急灯控制芯片应用于自带电源型消防应急灯具。

    The emergency lighting IC in this thesis is for the application of self-powered emergency lighting .