
  • 网络ATS;switch;Toggle Switch;Toggle
  1. 该方案将被叠加的字符或图像数据保存在FPGA内部的ROM中,由内部逻辑控制电路产生点阵时序,控制视频通道切换开关,完成叠加功能。

    The data of overlapped characters and pictures are stored in the ROM of FPGA , the times are generated by FPGA inner logic circuit to control the switch of TV channels to finish the overlapping work .

  2. 采用的故障检测方法和切换开关既简单又有效。

    The faults detection method and switch is simple and effective .

  3. 采用一个软切换开关的PWM逆变器

    A PWM Inverter with Single Switch of Soft Switching

  4. 基于CPLD的程控多路切换开关设计

    Design of Program-controlled Multi-channel Switch Based on CPLD

  5. 电动门控制系统使用了三个继电器作为通道切换开关,PLC给出控制信号切换开门、关门、停止三个状态。

    Electric door control system uses three relays as the channel switch , and PLC gives control signal to switch three status of open , close , and stop .

  6. 为在VisualStudioIDE之外独立的cl编译器中编译这个代码片段,需要显式地打开/GR切换开关。

    To compile this code snippet in the standalone cl compiler outside the Visual Studio IDE , the / GR switch needs to be explicitly turned on .

  7. 主要产品:电源开关、无熔丝开关、AC插座、DC连接头、切换开关、指拨开关、微动开关、按键开关、轻触开关

    Main Products : AC Socket , Circuit Breaker , DC Jack , Digital Switch , Dip Switch , EMI Filter , Fuse Holder , Hook Switch , Key Switch , Micro Switch , Push Swit

  8. 介绍了固体静态切换开关(SSTS)的工作原理和控制策略。

    The principle and control strategy of solid static transfer switch ( SSTS ) are introduced in this paper .

  9. 阐述了主变有载分接开关切换开关油室密封性能的重要性,结合一台220kV主变有载分接开关油渗漏的发现、分析和处理,介绍了消除缺陷的方法。

    The importance of oil sealing in OLTC of main transformer is emphasized . With the finding , analysing and treatment of oil-leakage for a 220 kV main transformer 's OLTC , the way to eliminate the defects is introduced .

  10. 使用自动切换开关应注意的问题

    Question of Paid Attention to Using Switch over Switch Automatically

  11. 新型中压固态切换开关的研究

    Development of a Novel Medium Voltage Solid State Transfer Switch

  12. 快速开关,触发式开关高速切换开关技术在高速数据采集电路中的应用

    The application of quick switch technology in high speed data access circuit

  13. 时间戳,可以在聊天过程中轻易地切换开关

    Time stamps , which can be toggled on and off easily during a chat

  14. 各通道设有通道信号切换开关,话筒输入设置高性能放大电路。

    Each channel has a channel signal switch , high-performance microphone input amplifier circuit .

  15. 真空触点切换开关的电路分析

    Circuit Analysis of Vacuum Contact Diverter Switch

  16. 通过示波图分析切换开关在试验过程中的电流波形,以此对切换开关的性能进行分析。

    The performance of transfer switch is analyzed based on the test current waves displayed on oscillograms .

  17. 对五种典型的变压器分接开关用真空触点切换开关电路进行了分析。

    Five typical circuits for the vacuum contact diverter switch used in transformer tap - changer are analyzed .

  18. 切换开关装换至应急电源时,应有足够的应急电力运行电梯。

    When transfer switch transfers to emergency power , there will be sufficient emergency power available to run elevator .

  19. 对较小的单相负荷可采用由微型接触器构成的双电源单相切换开关。

    For comparatively smaller single-phase load , the duplicate supply single-phase transfer switch made of miniature contactors can be selected .

  20. 以双电阻切换开关切换过程试验为例,介绍了切换开关的切换顺序及试验过程,指出了在试验过程中应注意的问题。

    With a dual-resistance transfer switch as example , the transfer sequence and test process are introduced . Cautions during test are pointed out .

  21. 通常,我通过创建一种切换开关来重用某个类的相同实例,这节省了系统资源。

    Essentially , I 'm reusing the same instance of a class by creating a sort of toggle switch , which conserves system resources .

  22. 设置有光继电器功率切换开关,多路消融电极连接在功率切换开关的输出端上。

    The utility model is provided with an optical relay power switching switch , and multi-path ablation electrodes are connected with the output end of the power switching switch .

  23. 端使用手动式单一切换开关或保险丝为使用者可接触到,则插头须提供极性的区分。

    If a direct plug-in unit employs a manually operated line connected single-pole switch or a fuse with an accessible contact , it shall employ a polarized-or grounding-type blade assembly .

  24. 具有就地/远方切换开关,在站控层及网络失效的情况下,仍能独立完成间隔层的监控和保护功能。

    With local / remote switch , in the situation of the control station layer and network failure situations , can still complete the interval level independent monitoring and protection .

  25. 基于元件的定数截尾寿命试验数据和切换开关的成败型试验数据,给出了指数型元件贮备系统可靠性的近似置信下限的计算公式。

    We give the formula to calculate lower confidence limits of the reliability for standby system of exponential type components based on fixed number testing data of components and pass-fail testing data of switch .

  26. 如果呼叫筛选出切换开关是在螺纹铣削主要对话,特征和圆的圆形按钮备选方案的选择和选择所有按钮活跃。

    If the Call Out filter toggle is switched ON in the Thread Milling Main dialog , the Feature and Circle radio buttons of the Selection options and the Select All button are active .

  27. 该方案通过1个切换开关将2个最优调节器结合起来分别控制吊重在回转运动中的切向摆振和到达目标位置后的摆振。

    In the strategy , two regulators , combining with a switch , control the tangential sway of the load during the slewing motion and the sway after the load arriving at its destination respectively .

  28. 采用带落角约束的变结构导引律,对弹目距离及距离变化率进行估计,克服被动寻的导弹不能测距的约束,同时使切换开关增益随时间自适应变化以减小俯冲过载。

    The variable structure proportional navigation with terminal angular constraint is utilized , and estimation about the distance rate and distance between missile and target is made , which broke the constraint that passive homing missile can 't measure out the distance and distance rate .

  29. 移相控制软切换PWM开关电源设计

    Design of Phase-Shifting Control Soft-Switching PWM Switching Power Supply

  30. 切换此开关,您可以直接查看邮件,而不需要单独打开一个窗口。

    Toggles the ability to view your messages without opening a separate window .