
  • 网络harmonic pollution
  1. 家用变频空调与公用电网谐波污染

    Frequency Inverter Air Conditioner in Household and Harmonic Pollution in Public Supply Network

  2. 解决谐波污染的办法就是增加PFC(功率因数校正)电路。

    The way to solve the harmonic pollution is to increase the Power Factor Correction circuit .

  3. PWM整流器能主动消除整流器对电网的谐波污染,提高系统交流侧功率因数。

    The PWM rectifier can actively eliminate AC side harmonics pollution of rectifier and increase AC side power factor .

  4. 有源滤波器(APF)被广泛研究和应用于抑制谐波污染。

    APF ( Active Power Filter ) is widely used in harmonic pollution restraint .

  5. 近年来,随着开关电源、UPS等电力电子装置的大量和广泛应用,电网的谐波污染问题变得日益严重。

    In recent years , extensive use of power electronic devices has resulted in serious harmonic pollution in the grid .

  6. 为了减小谐波污染和进一步节能降耗,已经提出了各种PWM控制技术来抑制谐波。

    In order to reduce the harmonic pollution and further saving energy , have proposed a variety of PWM control techniques to suppress harmonics .

  7. 有源电力滤波器(APFActivePowerFilter)可以对这种已经存在的谐波污染进行治理,被认为是一种相当有效和有发展前途的谐波治理新方法。

    Active power filter ( APF ) is able to control the harmonic from the electronic equipment and is considered to be an effective and good future method for harmonic process .

  8. 这些非线性器件如UPS、商业照明、荧光灯等都会使得输变电网络的谐波污染越来越严重。

    Harmonic pollution of power transmission and transforming system which is generated by UPS , commercial lighting , fluorescent lamp is becoming more and more serious .

  9. 有源电力滤波器(APF)是改善电能质量、治理电网谐波污染的重要手段。

    Active Power Filter ( APF ) is an important means for restraining power harmonics and then improving the quality of power system .

  10. 传统AC-DC变换器的广泛应用对电网产生了大量的谐波污染。

    The wide application of conventional AC-DC converters has brought about significant harmonic pollution to a power network .

  11. 采用现代高频功率变换技术的有源功率因数校正(PowerFactorCorrector,PFC)技术是解决高频开关变换器谐波污染的有效手段。

    It is effect to solve the harmonic pullution in the high frequency switching mode converter with the active power factor corrector ( PFC ) of the modern high frequency power conversion technology .

  12. 随着电网谐波污染问题的日益严重以及人们对绿色清洁能源的迫切需求,使得PWM整流技术引起学者们越来越多的关注。

    With the increasingly serious problem of the power harmonic pollution as well as green and clean energy demand , scholars have paid more attention to the PWM rectifier control technology .

  13. 有源电力滤波器(APF)是解决电网谐波污染的一种有效措施,也是目前研究的热点。

    Active power filter is an effective measure for harmonic pollution in power grid . Besides , APF is also a research focus at present .

  14. 最后,应用单纯形法、Lagrange乘数法和一维搜索方法确定了最优谐波污染管理方法,算例表明该方法降低了社会综合损失。

    An optimized harmonic management method applying simplex method , Lagrange-multiplier method and one-dimension searching method is proposed . Example indicates that this method reduces social compositive loss .

  15. 随着电力电子技术飞速发展,AC-DC变换器等电源设备给电力系统带来了严重的谐波污染问题。

    With the development of power electronics , the AC-DC power supplies have brought serious harmonic pollution problems to the power system .

  16. 对于PWM整流器而言,绿色的内涵是指电网侧无谐波污染、单位功率因数运行等传统整流装置所不具备的优越性能。

    In terms of PWM rectifier in this thesis ," green " means that it has solved the harmonic pollutions and realized the unity power factor . Those superior performance were not equipped with the traditional rectifier .

  17. 另一方面大量家用电器等产品的使用也会对电网造成大量的谐波污染,需要变频器系统对功率因数进行校正,目前大部分产品都是利用专门的APFC芯片来克服这一问题的。

    The use of large household appliances caused a large number of harmonic pollution , it needs the inverter system to correct the power factor .

  18. 为了减少对交流电网的谐波污染,在开关电源中加入功率因数校正(PFC)技术以使其输入电流谐波满足电能质量和电磁兼容(EMC)的要求。

    In order to reduce the harmonics pollution and compliance with power quality and EMC requirements of ac power system , power factor correction ( PFC ) must be introduced into the switching power supplies .

  19. 功率因数校正(PFC)技术不仅可以降低线路损耗、节约能源,还可以减小电网的谐波污染,提高电网的供电质量。

    Power factor correction ( PFC ) technology can not only reduce power line losses , energy conservation , it can also reduce the harmonic pollution and improve the quality of the power supply .

  20. 减小功率电子装置尤其是传统的AC/DC整流器对电网的谐波污染,提高装置的功率因数,日益受到国内外学者的密切关注,功率因数校正(PFC)技术在越来越多的领域得到应用。

    Reducing harmonic pollution especially generated by conventional AC / DC rectifier and improving the power factor are hotspot in power electronics fields , so PFC ( Power Factor Correction ) is used in many applications .

  21. 针对变频器对电网造成的谐波污染及无功,在介绍功率器件IEGT及由此组成双PWM三电平变频器特点的基础上,给出了整流器五脉冲PWM调制方式与三角波PWM调制方式的谐波对比。

    Discuss harmonic pollution and power factor is low that caused by inverter , introduce characteristic of IEGT and dual-PWM IEGT three-level inverter . Contrast the harmonic caused by five-pulse PWM modulate mode with triangle PWM modulate mode .

  22. 然而伴随着HVDC系统电压等级与输送容量的增长,直流输电线路的谐波污染也变得日益严重,影响了系统的运行并且对通信造成干扰。

    However , along with the growth of voltage grade and transmission capacity of HVDC systems , increasingly serious harmonic contamination has been brought into DC transmission lines , which causes deterioration in system operation and interference to communication .

  23. 脉宽调制(PWM)整流器,相比于传统的不控或相控整流器,有着功率因数高,谐波污染小,体积小等优点,是电力电子学术界和工业界的重要研究对象。

    Pulse-width modulation ( PWM ) rectifier , compared to the traditional non-controlled or phase-controlled rectifier , has the advantages of higher power factor , lower harmonic pollution and smaller size , is an important academic and industrial research area in power electronics field .

  24. 结果表明,平方检测法和Hilbert法更适用于检测平稳的波动信号,对于谐波污染较大的非平稳信号,用小波分析法则能够得到良好的检测结果。

    The results show that the methods of square examination and Hilbert transformation are more suitable for the examination of smooth signals with low harmonics , and wavelet analysis can give desirable results from the non-smooth and high-harmonic signals .

  25. 在中小功率应用场合,我们通过采取PFC措施就能够有效的解决谐波污染问题,但随着功率量级增大,不控整流装置产生谐波的问题将更加严重,PFC技术已经无法满足系统需求。

    In small and medium power applications , we can take PFC measures to effectively alleviate harmonic pollution . However , the higher the power is , the more serious the problem is that uncontrolled rectifier device generates harmonic currents .

  26. 介绍了施工CCSD科钻一井的供电方案、供电系统谐波污染问题解决方案和钻进驱动方案,以及实施这些方案带来的巨大经济效益。

    The power supply plan for drilling the deep well CCSD-1 , the plan for solving harmonious wave contamination problem in the power supply system and the drill bit driving plan of the CCSD Project and the benefits gained by implementing these plans are discussed in this article .

  27. 电网有源滤波器可以主动在受控条件下消除谐波污染。

    The application of active filter can effectively eliminate the harmonics .

  28. 电力系统谐波污染的危害及抑制对策

    Harms and suppression methods of harmonic pollution in power system

  29. 谐波污染是当前电力系统中的一大问题。

    Harmonic pollution is a problem in modern power systems .

  30. 谐波污染已经成了一个亟待解决的问题。

    The harmonic pollution has become a serious problem to be solved .