
xié jù
  • comic opera popular in Sichuan;comic opera
谐剧 [xié jù]
  • (1) [comic opera]∶喜剧的别称

  • (2) [comic opera popular in Sichuan]∶一种介于曲艺与戏剧之间的艺术形式,流行于四川,由一人扮演角色,内容多风趣幽默

谐剧[xié jù]
  1. 在与亲戚和男朋友的纠缠其间,引发场黑色谐剧,致令她们发现大家的共通点,原本令她们关系破裂的“性观念”,到最后却成为她们和解的一道桥梁。

    Relatives and boyfriends become entangled-leading to both dark comedy and darker exploitation-as the two women discover that they have more in common than either suspected , the issue of sex , which originally divided them , becomes the channel for their reconciliation .