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duì chàng
  • Duet;antiphonal singing;musical dialogue in antiphonal style;sing in antiphonal style
对唱 [duì chàng]
  • [musical dialogue in antiphonal style;antiphonal singing] 应答轮唱形式的对答式演唱

对唱[duì chàng]
  1. 也可以利用音乐中齐唱、轮唱、对唱等多种方法,来认识美、体验美、掌握美、表现美、创造美,达到以美导行效果。

    Various musical means such as unison , troll and antiphonal singing can also be used to realize beauty , experience beauty , master beauty , express beauty and create beauty so as to achieve the result of beauty leading the action .

  2. 全文对畲族民歌的种类和特点进行了论述,并介绍了独唱、对唱、齐唱三种演唱形式,尤其是对畲族民歌的双条落作了详细的分析。

    The text discusses the types and features of the She nationality songs , and introduces three kinds of singing forms which are solo , antiphonal singing , and singing in unison , especially analyses the " Antiphonal singing " in the She nationality songs in detail .

  3. 《OPP》是一首对唱形式的歌。

    Now , " OPP " is a call-and-response song .

  4. 这一次,她找来兰尼·克拉维茨(LennyKravitz)与她对唱,克拉维茨先唱,这可能是为了让那些对于这首歌的主题没有做好准备、无法谅解的听众更易于接受。

    She sang it in duet with Lenny Kravitz , who opened the song , presumably to help the subject matter go down more easily for unprepared , unforgiving viewers .

  5. 我们唱完了整首对唱,笑得上气不接下气。

    We got through the whole duet , and collapsed laughing .

  6. 吠、鸡鸣、蛙儿对唱。

    Dogs bark , cocks crow , frogs croak to each other .

  7. 哈萨克族民间艺术盛会阿肯对唱会

    Akens ' Antiphonal Singing Assembly-a Grand Folk Art Gathering of the Kazak

  8. 我问了对唱的试镜,你没有回应。

    I called for the pairs audition , and you didn 't respond .

  9. 人不应该对唱颂神的圣名而感到羞耻。

    To M.One should not be ashamed of chanting God 's holy name .

  10. 独唱试镜结束了,而且没有其他人和你对唱。

    The individual auditions are long over and there are simply no other pairs .

  11. 这是一出小喜剧,以夫妻对唱而出名。

    This is a light comedy and famous for the antiphonal singing of the spouses .

  12. 我们对唱英文歌曲感到很兴奋。

    We are excited about singing English-songs .

  13. 鸟儿们互相对唱。

    The birds sing to each other .

  14. 好的好的。就是一种男女的对唱的,对舞的这样的一种形式。

    Great . It 's a kind of male-female duet , and they dance together .

  15. 爱尔帕地方的牧童,有一个美丽的习惯:他们每天傍晚分别之前,互相对唱一首“再见歌”。

    The Alpine shepherds have a beautiful custom of ending the day by singing to one another an evening farewell .

  16. 这是一首男女对唱的情歌,有谁愿意和我一起对唱?

    This is madrigal that a men and women to sing , have who would like to with me together to sing ?

  17. 洛维特过四次格莱美大奖,包括最佳乡村专辑、最佳流行音乐对唱奖最佳乡村男歌手。

    Lovett has won four Grammy Awards , including Best Country Album , Best Pop Vocal Collaboration , and Best Country Male Vocal .

  18. 28岁的普莱斯和丈夫对唱了慈善新专辑《全新的世界》中的很多情歌。

    Miss Price , 28 , and her husband performed a number from their newly-released charity album of love songs , A Whole New World .

  19. 阿肯对唱会是哈萨克族特有的口头语言艺术,它在哈萨克文化历史的传承上起着重要的作用。

    Akens ' antiphonal singing assembly is a unique oral linguistic art and plays an important role in the historical heritage of the Kazak culture .

  20. 对唱名法的分类与选择、音准的训练方法与步骤等内容的熟练掌握是学习视唱练耳的基本前提。

    The proficiency in classification and selection of Sol-fa and the mastery over training methods and steps of intonation are fundamental prerequisites for learning solfeggio .

  21. 对唱是正与神的对唱,还是神与神的对唱,抑或是主巫与群正的对唱;

    The musical dialogue in antiphonal style was sung in duet by Wizard and immortal , or two immortals , or main wizard and group of wizards ;

  22. 对歌文化是布依族民间文化的一个重要组成部分,是一种以口头对唱为主要形式的民间艺术文化。

    Buyi antiphonal singing folk culture is an important part in its folk culture and it is also a duet as the main form of oral folk art culture .

  23. 有关2012年世界灭亡的日女的书籍出无上数百类,根据您正在谷对唱上键入的“2012”和“世界灭亡的日女”的出无同组合,能搜到数一百万个对关的网站。

    There are hundreds of books devoted to2012 , and millions of Web sites , depending on what combination of " 2012 " and " doomsday " you type into Google .

  24. 文章主要对阿肯对唱会的内容、形式及发展进行了介绍,并对保护和发展阿肯对唱这一民间艺术提出了相应的对策。

    The paper mainly introduces the content , manner and development of Akens ' antiphonal singing assembly and gives some advice for the preservation and development of this folk art performance .

  25. 花鼓也称花鼓戏,是一种多由男女二人对唱对舞的民间歌舞艺术形式,也有多人共同演出的。

    The colored drum dance , also called flower-drum opera , is a folk singing and dancing performance acted by a male and a female , or by many people in some places .

  26. 客家妹子经常对着悠悠的东江水,在这里高唱悠扬的山歌,游客至此,可以学着与客家妹子对唱,感受一下客家人借歌传情的美妙和浪漫。

    Hakka sister often to well-hidden east river , melodious folk song singing here , visitors so far , can learn and hakka sister duet , experience the hakka song of expressing borrow splendid and romantic .

  27. 在某些方面,它对英国年营业额30亿英镑的图书市场的威胁要大大高于对唱片业的影响:消费者即便不再花钱购买音乐产品,但他们仍一如既往地在欣赏音乐。

    In some ways the threat to the UK 's £ 3bn book market is more fundamental than that faced by the record industry : even when people stopped paying for music , they never stopped listening to it .