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  • 网络trunk
  1. 帮我把这个大衣箱搬到车里

    I want you to take this trunk out to my car .

  2. 请邮送这只大衣箱,货到付款。

    Please send this trunk C . O . D .

  3. 为了更加安全,他把大衣箱用绳捆牢。

    He roped up his trucks for additional security .

  4. 请帮我搬这个大衣箱。

    Please give me a hand with this trunk .

  5. 他把它锁藏在他的大衣箱里。

    He locked it away in his truck .

  6. 一个大衣箱和两个皮箱,一共是三件

    " A trunk and two leather cases , three pieces in all . "

  7. 我搞到一具死尸在伦敦只要你知道门路,搞个死尸并不难然后我用一个大衣箱把死尸弄到房间。

    I got a dead body-it 's easy to get one in London , if you know how-and I had the body brought to my flat in a large suitcase .

  8. 那是一年前发生的事情了。现在,这四个孩子都坐在火车站的长椅上,身边堆放着大衣箱和用品箱。

    That had all happened a year ago , and now all four of them were sitting on a seat at a railway station with trunks and playboxes piled up round them .

  9. 她的大衣箱被海关人员底朝上地翻了一遍,只不过是些零乱的衣服和几团毛线而已。接我们的人已先期混进了海关,接应那些无数个纸箱的食品和用具。

    People who came to meet us had sneaked into the customs earlier to scoop out the numerous cartons of food and appliances , while we passed the customs easily with no luggage being opened by officers .