
dà cūn
  • Omura;big village
  1. 大村给你提供了工作,你却要跑。

    Omura offers you my job , and you run away .

  2. 大村西崖先生与中日美术书籍的研究

    Mr. DA Cun and the study of Sino-Japanese Fine Arts

  3. 大村部长叫我们去为那个叛徒拍照。

    Minister Omura has commanded us to photograph the traitor .

  4. 我从未见过大村家族的人捐赠家财给贫民。

    I have not seen the Omura family giving gold to the masses .

  5. 大村已经通过了一条反对武士的法律。

    Omura has passed laws against the samurai .

  6. 这全归大村所有吗?

    And Omura owns all of it ?

  7. 大村土话小称变音的主要语义功能是区别词义,最基本的语法功能是“名词化”。

    Its basic syntactic function is to distinguish word meanings , and its general grammatical function is nominal .

  8. 方案并未获得国际捕鲸委员会批准,而日方执意继续捕鲸。日本渔业部门总干事大村国井说到:“我们知道今年环保组织要干扰捕鲸的具体计划方案。”不过,他还警告船员要防范反捕鲸活动人士的威胁。

    Satoshi Kunii , head of Japan 's Fisheries Agency , says they are aware of plans by environmental groups to disrupt the hunt again this year .

  9. 福岛大村曾是日本足球队训练的地方,后建成了营地,以便几千名工人在核危机之后进行大规模清理工作。那里的运动设施也为了2020年奥运会而被及时保留下来。

    Fukushima 's sprawling J-Village sports facility , where the Japan soccer team used to train , is also set to be restored in time for the 2020 Olympics after being converted into a base camp for thousands of wor ers deployed for the massive cleanup operation following the nuclear crisis .

  10. 试析乡风文明,村容整洁之难题&以大白崖村为例

    A Case Study of Civilization and Neatness of Rural Areas

  11. 不可阻挡的是,大芦村的辉煌大气早已不再。

    The past glory and magnificence of the village is irrevocably gone .

  12. 森林资源分权管理及其效应探讨&以大土村的森林资源分权管理为例

    Forest Resource Devolution Management and Its Efficiency & Forest Devolution in Datu Village

  13. 这一特点使得大芦村远近闻名。

    Which makes Dalu village known to all far .

  14. 喀斯特石漠化山区生态重建研究&以贵州省罗甸县大关村为例

    Study on Ecological Rehabilitation in Karst Regions & The Case of Daguan Village

  15. 大芦村也是这样的一个地方。

    Dalu Village is one of such places .

  16. 期待本建筑成为大裕村正在规划建设中的,以艺术、文化为中心的新农村的一个崭新地标。

    The project will be a new landmark in the new art and culture centered village .

  17. 历史文化名村保护与发展的规划探索&以大屋村为例

    Analysis on Conservation and Development Planning of Historic Village & Take Dawu Village as an Example

  18. 方法防治前调查大莨村华支睾吸虫的感染情况,观察指标包括人群、中间宿主及保虫宿主的感染率等,其中人群感染率通过粪检普查确定;

    Methods The observation indexes included the infection rates of the resident , intermediate host and reservoir host etc.

  19. 小颜是大芦村的导游,有着一张这个职业所特有的真诚而黝黑的脸庞。

    A tour guide for Dalu , Xiao Yan has a dark and sincere face characteristic of his trade .

  20. 滑坡地质灾害治理工程勘查的实践&以浙江省余姚市大俞村滑坡为例

    Practice of Geological Investigation For Landslide Stabilization & With Dayu Village Landslide in Yuyao City of Zhejiang Province For Example

  21. 新型农村合作医疗的实践与思考&基于对广西兴安县大凸村的调研

    Practice and Thinking of New Rural Cooperative Medical Service & Based on the Large Convex Xing'an County , Guangxi Village Research

  22. 站在村口一座四层高的房子的屋顶上,整个大芦村尽收眼底。

    Xiao Yan and I were standing on the roof of a four-storied house near the entrance to the village , which commanded a panoramic view of Dalu .

  23. 从第一代落户大芦村的劳氏祖先开始,“风水”这一理念就在他们的头脑中根深蒂固,并巧妙地融合于建筑之中。

    Since the first generation of Laos who settled down there , the idea of Fengshui has been entrenched in their minds and ingeniously incorporated in the architecture .

  24. 第一天刚到大芦村的时候,我们想在那里吃中饭。不料夫妇俩那天刚好“给自己放了个假”,带着小孩出去游玩了。

    The day we arrived at Dalu , we were going to have lunch there , but the couple were having a day off and had taken their child away for an outing .

  25. 全文包括四个章节:第一章:沙河道教及其音乐的历史沿革,主要对沙河道教音乐的可考历史、沙河大杜村道教音乐形成与发展历史进行考证。

    The paper includes four sections : the first chapter : music and the shahe Taoism history , mainly to music of shahe Taoism test history , sha river big du village Taoist music formation and development history of textual research .

  26. 2000~2001年在吉林省柳河县大泉眼村林蛙增养殖试验示范区,进行了食盐和酸碱度对中国林蛙蝌蚪的影响实验,为蝌蚪病害防治、提高成活率提供科学依据。

    From 2000 to 2001 , the experiments of influence of table salt and acidity and basicity on tadpole ( Rana chensinensis ) were conducted in breeding demonstration plot of Liuhe county , which provides a scientific basis for controlling diseases and raising survival rate of the tadpole .

  27. 本文所研究的生态整合设计的系统范围控制在一个大中型中心村社区范围内,在此范围内对生态技术措施层面进行考察。

    Within this scope , the article carries on the inspection to the ecology technical measure stratification .

  28. 同时列举了国内一些大城市城中村改造的实践经验。

    Enumerated the village reformation in the domestic city in some big city in the meantime of practice experience .

  29. 闽西客家家族形态主要表现为单姓血缘的大家族自然村和相对集中的血缘聚居形式。

    The forms of the Hakka kindreds were mainly the natural villages of a single family name and inhabitation of relatively concentrated kins .

  30. 瑶族节日文化与生产生活习俗的变迁&以广西金秀大瑶山盘村瑶族为例

    On Changes of Yao nationality 's Festival Culture and Customs of Production and Life & An Example on Yao nationality of Pan Village in Jinxiu , Guangxi