
  1. 大连最早举办的足球杯赛1926年,大连中华青年会首次将足球列为中华运动会(每年一次)的正式比赛项目。

    Football Cup was first held in Dalian in1926 , Dalian , China as the Chinese Football Association games for the first time ( annually ) of the official event .

  2. 大连最早的国际足球比赛1927年,日本足球队来到大连,中华青年会足球队与隆华队组成联队与日本队进行2场比赛。

    The first international football match in Dalian in1927 , the Japanese soccer team came to Dalian , the Chinese YMCA soccer team composed of wings and Longhua with the Japanese team for2 games .