
  • 网络New Theater;New Theatre;New Playhouse
  1. 来到热门的淡水区,便可以看到这个剧团四月启用、耗资2200万美元的亮丽新剧场。

    Visit the popular Tamsui district and you may catch a glimpse of the company 's gleaming new $ 22 million home , which opened in April .

  2. 这座新剧场将是无用而赘的东西:演出大型歌剧,它太小了,所以没有一家歌剧团愿意用它。

    The new opera house will be a white elephant : it is too small for proper opera productions , and no large opera company will want to use it .

  3. 文艺复兴时期的戏剧特点是:场景讲究,流传于世的重要剧作和剧作家不多,当时修建的新剧场成了现代剧场的楷模。

    The Renaissance theater was a period of elaborate spectacle , of few plays and playwrights of lasting importance , and of new playhouses that set the pattern for modern theaters .

  4. 但他承认,舞团的新剧场让其他舞蹈和戏剧团体也可以传承“云门精神”,而不仅仅是服务他自己的舞团,因此他要退下来就变得容易得多。

    But he acknowledged that the company 's new complex , which he said would allow his troupe and other dance and theatrical ventures to perpetuate the " Cloud Gate energy , " would make it easier for him to step away .

  5. 本月,这位舞蹈家来到舞团新剧场的排练场,亲身演示了一下这种责任心。他穿着自己的招牌制服——黑T恤,黑裤子,手上是黑色背包和一包香烟。

    This month , that commitment was on display as the choreographer marched into the rehearsal theater at the company 's new complex , clad in his signature uniform ( black T-shirt , black pants ) and brandishing a black backpack and a pack of cigarettes .

  6. 新国立剧场舞台机械设备技术水平

    The technical standard of stage mechanical equipment in New State Theatres

  7. 我写了一部独幕剧,在新学校剧场里第一批初次上映。

    I wrote a one-act play , among the first the debut at the new campus theater .

  8. 她们想利用这段时间,在商场内的这座首尔最新的剧场拍些智能手机视频,并向演员、以及灯光师和化妆师索要签名。

    They wanted time to shoot smartphone video of Seoul 's newest theater , built inside a shopping mall , and start scoring autographs : of actors , sure , but lighting operators and makeup artists too .

  9. 清真寺附近有一家新盖的剧场和一家百货公司。

    Near the mosque stand a newly - built theatre and a department store .

  10. 这座新建筑物要用作剧场。

    The new building is to be a theatre .