
  1. 旧石筑新楼,古木升新火,

    Old stone to new building , old timber to new fires ,

  2. 在长达一周的节日期间,人们郊游踏青、竞渡、荡秋千、赐新火,充分享受节日的娱乐。

    People went out for spring hiking , boat race , swing and having new fire to enjoy all kinds festival revels .

  3. 清代尤其是晚清,火灾发生非常频繁,其既有传统引火因素,又增添了新的火发因素,这使得火灾的应对&消防管理变得更为困难与复杂。

    In the Qing , especially late Qing Dynasty , it was very frequent that the fire took place , which turned out to be connected with traditional ignition factors as well as added new fire - sending factors .

  4. 被再赋与新生命的火运动,更现实的火焰,不要忍受早先版本的相似之处。

    The reincarnated Fire sports new , more realistic flames , which bear no resemblance to previous versions .

  5. 能对新的层使用火效果,不影响而最初的选择。

    You can even render fire to a new layer , without affecting the original selection .

  6. 约翰的兄弟得到一辆新自行车,妒火使得约翰和他打了起来。

    When john 's brother got the new bicycle , the green-eyed monster made John fight with him .

  7. 旧时代将会被正式焚化,一个更强大的新时代将会浴火而生。

    The old era would receive a ceremonial cremation and a new , stronger one would arise out of its ashes .