
  1. 泛素新通路显示泛素除了介导蛋白质降解,还参与DNA损伤修复,介导炎症信号转导,调控蛋白质转运,甚至促进蛋白质合成。

    The new findings showed that ubiquitin also participated in the recovery of DNA damage , mediated transduction of inflammation signal , regulated protein transport and even promoted protein synthesis besides of its effect in mediating protein degradation .

  2. ACE2&RAS代谢新通路在心血管活动调节中的作用

    ACE2 & Novel RAS Metabolic Pathway in Regulating Cardiovascular Function

  3. 全基因组扫描、实验动物模型和DNA芯片技术的应用,将为寻找ADHD易感基因开辟新的通路。

    The applications of genome-wide scanning , experimental animal models and DNA chips will be great helpful for searching ADHD susceptibility genes .

  4. 我们的研究结果揭示了迄今为止尚未发现的新的通路控制水稻对冷胁迫的适应。

    Our studies thus reveal a hitherto undiscovered novel pathway that controls cold adaptation in rice .

  5. 这个新的通路不依赖于胰岛素信号传递系统,他们说,虽然这个通路与其他基因有共同的遗传基础,但是该通路只对饥饿起反应。

    This new pathway works independently of the insulin-signaling pathway , they said , although it shares several genetic elements , and is dedicated just to the famine response .

  6. 找到关键的酶的基因,修饰后整合入新的通路就可以产生一个系统,这个系统能把整个植物消化后转化为乙醇。

    Identifying the genes for the enzymes that do this , modifying them and assembling them into new pathways would produce systems that could digest the whole plant and turn it into ethanol .

  7. 本研究发现了血管平滑肌细胞中一条新的调节通路,并且有可能为将来找到治疗TAA、TAD新的方法提供帮助。

    This study found a new regulatory pathway in VSMC , and there is likely to be found the new treatment of TAA and TAD in the future .

  8. 提出了一种新的6.1通路环绕声系统及系统的两种不同的信号馈给法。

    This paper proposes a new 6.1 channel surround sound system and its signal mixing methods .

  9. 本文提出了快速计算布尔方程组特解的一个新方法&通路求解法。

    In this article a new method for finding the special solution of Boolean equations is introduced .

  10. 处于红内期的疟原虫为摄取营养,在红细胞产生新的转运通路。

    In order to get more nutrition from outside the erythrocyte , new channels were induced by malaria parasite .

  11. 在不久的将来这种技术就可以把来自不同物种的基因组装在一起产生新的代谢通路,甚至产生新的物种。

    In the short run such engineering means assembling genes from different organisms to create new metabolic pathways or even new organisms .

  12. 在大脑中形成新的神经通路并不一定很费劲,而花时间学习新的内容绝对是个好主意。

    Forming new connections in your brain doesnt have to be difficult , though it would certainly be a good idea to make sure it was some of the time .

  13. 在手术中,改造脊椎骨神经,并且,如果成功,神经再生(在6-24个月中),创造可能控制膀胱倒空的一条新的神经通路。

    In the surgery , the spinal nerves are rerouted and if successful , the nerves regenerate ( over a period of6-24 months ), creating a new nerve pathway that can control bladder emptying .

  14. 最近,在果蝇中的研究描绘了一个新的信号通路&Hippo通路。这一通路能同时抑制细胞增殖和促进凋亡,在生长调节方面起重要作用。

    Recent studies in Drosophila have delineated a novel signaling pathway , the Hippo pathway , which is extremely powerful in regulating growth due to its ability to simultaneously inhibit cell proliferation and promote apoptosis .

  15. 寻找参与神经干细胞分化相关新的信号通路,弄清神经干细胞多能性(自我更新或增殖)维持及分化所涉及的机制是神经干细胞研究的重要领域之一。

    Searching for new signal pathway involved in differentiation of neural stem cells and clarifying the mechanism of pluripotency ( self-renewal or proliferation ) and differentiation is one of the most important areas in the research of neural stem cells .

  16. HippoPathway是首先在果蝇中发现的一个新的信号转导通路,通过协调细胞增殖和细胞凋亡在果蝇发育过程中起到控制细胞数量和器官大小的作用。

    The Hippo Pathway was first identified as a novel organ size control apparatus during Drosophila development by coordination cell proliferation and apoptosis .

  17. Vegas+利用新的前向通路时延测量方法来估计前向通路的可用带宽,有效的改善了传统Vegas连接的吞吐量,并且实现简单,大大降低了算法执行的复杂度。

    Vegas + estimates the available bandwidth of the forward path by a new forward path measurement . Vegas + effectively improves the connection throughput and has a low complexity in implementation .

  18. 人心房室隔内新的兴奋传导通路

    New impulse conducting pathways in human atrioventricular septum

  19. 通过其他你喜欢的事情的替代,建立新的神经奖励通路,比如骑自行车或者健康食品。

    Lay down new neural reward circuits by substituting something else you enjoy , like a bike ride or a healthier food .

  20. 文中同时证明了新系统与5.1通路系统完全兼容,利用现有的方法即可实现信号的兼容记录与重发。

    It is also proved that the new system is fully compatible with 5.1 channel system . Current methods are available to record 6.1 channel signals .

  21. 同时我们通过学习新事物,创造了新的通路,改变着认知储备。

    And we create these pathways , this cognitive reserve , by learning new things .

  22. 若移动主机进入新的分层区域,则要求它建立新的RSVP通路,开始新的指针转发过程。

    When it moves into a new region , it is required to update the RSVP path and begin the new pointer forwarding process .

  23. 学习一门新技术时,必需开通很多以前从来没有的新通路。

    A study of new technologies , the need has never been opened , many of the new access road .

  24. 一种新媒介出现的意义,并不仅仅是提供了一种新的传播通路和传播平台,它更是一种观察和把握世界方式的改变,是对于社会关系的重新整合、社会资源的重新梳理。

    The significance of the emergence of new media , it provides not only a new communication channels or communication platform , but also a way of observing the world changing .