
  1. 中国白酒香型融合创新的思考

    Thought of the Permeation the Innovation of Liquor Flavor Types in China

  2. 酒曲微生物分析与白酒香型初探

    Analysis of Distiller 's Yeast Microbes and Research on Liquor Flavor Types

  3. 对于白酒香型的认识与学术性探讨

    Comprehension and Academic Discussion on Flavor Styles of Chinese Liquor

  4. 从未来白酒香型的多样性来讨论原生态酒风格中国浓香型白酒窖池微生物生态研究

    Discussion on the Style of Original Ecological Geng Liquor From the Diversity of Future Liquor Flavor Type

  5. 白酒香型的发展应适应市场,有所创新,注重酒体的优良及酒品的个性。

    The development of liquor flavoring types should meet market requirements and certain innovations should be done to emphasize on liquor quality and liquor individuality .

  6. 可利用非酶褐变反应鉴别酒曲培制温度及中挺时间、白酒香型和检测产品质量。

    Maillard reaction could be used to identify liquor flavor types and to define liquor starter culture temperature and temperature time constent and to check liquor product quality .

  7. 该方法可以作为进一步分析白酒香型之间的关系及新型香型划分的初步参考依据。

    Besides , such method could be applied for further analysis of the relations among liquor of different flavor types and for the classification of liquor of new flavor types .

  8. 酯化生香酶工程技术模拟老窖发酵生酯,采用窖外酸、醇酯化生酯,酶在溶剂中直接反应,可提高酒质,创新白酒香型。

    Aroma production by esterification enzymes meant the imitation of fermentation and esterification in aged pits and the direct reaction of out-pit acids , esters through alcoholization and esterification , and enzymes in solvent , the application of the technique could improve liquor quality and enrich liquor flavors .

  9. 关于小曲白酒按香型分类的建议

    A Suggestion of Assort about Xiaoqu Liquor According to Aroma Style

  10. 早在上世纪60年代中期,我国就开始对白酒的香型分类进行了系统化的研究。

    Early in the mid-1960s , we started our history of systematic research on the flavor styles .

  11. 鲁酒整体上可分为浓香型粮食白酒、芝麻香型白酒和大众白酒。

    As a whole , Shandong liquors could be divided into Luzhou-flavor grain liquors , sesame-flavor liquors and popular liquors .

  12. 对现有的17种国家名白酒进行了香型分类,并展望了白酒香型的发展趋势。

    The classification of present 17 brands of domestic famous flavor styles is performed , and the developing trend of the flavor styles is prospective .

  13. 随着生活水平的提高,消费者对白酒酒度、香型、饮酒、消费市场、消费理性、产品的选择和评价标准均发生了新的变化。

    With rapid social development and upgrade of living standards , consumers had new requirements on liquor alcohol content , drinking , consumption market , liquor product selection and liquor flavor types .

  14. 酱香型白酒是中国白酒四大基本香型之一。

    Soy sauce aroma style liquor is one of the four basic types in China .

  15. 研究评价了不同白酒的香气风格定位和分类,验证了我国白酒四大香型的传统划分方式的感官科学依据。

    The study evaluated the location and classification of different white wine aroma style , verify the scientific basis of the senses of the traditional division of four flavor types . 2 .

  16. 为了提高中国白酒质量,泸州老窖人将其研究所得科技成果向全国传播、推广,培训酿酒技术人才,为中国白酒香型的发展和质量的提高作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    In order to improve the liquor quality in China , the Group had spread its scientific achievements and trained numerous liquor-making technicians . The Group had made unparalleled accomplishments in the improvement of liquor qual-ity and in the development of liquors in China .

  17. 以46种白酒为样本,以每个样本的乙酸乙酯、己酸乙酯等17种香味成分的气相色谱、气质联用定性定量分析数据和感官评价结果为指标,用聚类分析研究了白酒香型数据。

    Based on the data of17 flavor components in46 samples that were obtained by GC , GC-MS and sensory evaluation the cluster analysis was used in the aroma recognition of the samples .