
Xī fènɡ jiǔ
  • Xifeng liquor
  1. 传统工艺和特殊的地域环境铸就西凤酒独特的品质

    The Unique Quality of Xifeng Liquor Developed by Traditional Techniques & Special Geographic Environment

  2. 西凤酒的典型特征为“醇香典雅、甘润挺爽、诸味谐调、味净悠长”。优质的浓香型调味酒为生产高档“凤兼复合香型”白酒的物质基础。

    The typical characteristics of Xifeng-flavour liquor are as elegant liquor flavor , enjoyable liquor taste , harmonious liquor body and long liquor aftertaste .

  3. 在1952年第一届国家评酒会上,八个中国酒品牌获奖:贵州茅台,山西汾酒,陕西西凤酒,泸州老窖,绍兴加饭酒,红玫瑰葡萄酒,味美思和张裕金奖白兰地。

    On the 1 st National Wine Appraisal Conference of 1952 , eight brands of famous Chinese wine were awarded a prize : Guizhou Maotai , Shanxi Fenjiu , Shaanxi Xifeng , Luzhou Laojiao , Shaoxing Jiafan , Red Rose Grape Wine , Weimeisi and Special Fine Brandy .

  4. 高产酯力红曲霉筛选及在西凤浓香调味酒生产中的试用

    Screening of Monascus of High Esterifying Power Its Trial Application in the Production of Xifeng Luzhou-flavor Blending Liquor

  5. 并研制开发出具有西凤特色的浓香酒。

    Besides , Luzhou-flavor liquor in possession of xifeng liquor characteristics was developed .