
  • 网络tender
脆嫩 [cuì nèn]
  • [crisp and tender] 脆生而嫩

  • 绿豆芽洁白脆嫩

  1. 结果表明:0℃低温贮藏效果最好,呼吸作用低,重量和Vc损失少,15天内可保持新鲜、脆嫩;

    The results showed : The respiratory metabolism , the loss of Vc and weight of Alfalfa were lower at 0 ℃, which could keep Alfalfa fresh and tender in 15 days after harvest .

  2. 海蜇脆嫩,咸鲜爽口。

    Tender , crisp jellyfish , fresh salty and delicious .

  3. 果实贮藏60天以后,好果率为78.4%,Vc保存率在70%以上,果实新鲜饱满,果色黄绿,果汁多,肉质脆嫩,具有浓郁的刺梨果实风味,是加工刺梨食品的优质原料。

    After 60 days the rate of the good fruit was still 78.4 % . The stored fruits still preserved Vc over 70 % . The fruits were still fresh , plump , yellow-green , juicy , crisp and tender .

  4. 质地脆嫩,品质优良,Vc含量比对照增加73.6%,粗纤维和总酸分别比对照低21.2%和36.6%,软叶率比对照增加17.3%;

    The leaf head of the variety is crispy and good quality . The content of Vc is 73.6 % higher than that of control . Crude fiber and total acid were lower 21.2 % and 36.6 % than that of control respectively .

  5. 果实平均重200g,果肉绿黄色,果心小,肉质脆嫩味香甜,品质极上,可溶性固形物15%。

    The average fruit weight is 200g , flesh green-yellow color , tender , crisp , juicy , very sweet , soluble solid content 15 % , best eating quality .

  6. 熟时皮红透白,肉清白脆嫩,清甜爽口。

    Cooked when the skin flush white , meat clean crisp , sweet and refreshing .

  7. 在评价盐渍菜的品质时,质地脆嫩是一个重要指标。

    The crisp is an important index , when evaluating the quality of the salting vegetable .

  8. 果肉橙色,肉质脆嫩多汁,风味清香,中心可溶性固形物含量16%,肉厚3.9cm。

    Its center soluble solid content is 16 % , the flesh thickness is 3.9 cm .

  9. 瓜色深绿有光泽,果面无黄色条纹,肉质脆嫩,商品性好;

    The fruits are dark green without yellow stripe , tender crisp and with good commercial characteistics .

  10. 果肉红色,中心可溶性固形物含量13%,肉质脆嫩,口感好,风味佳。

    The red flesh is crisp and has excellent taste and flavor with 13 % soluble sugar content .

  11. 束腰、美观,丰稳产、品质脆嫩,抗热,抗病。

    Rich bottom shape , high and stable yield , good quality , heat tolerance , resistant to diseases .

  12. 月上旬。该品种丰产性好,果肉脆嫩化渣,汁多味浓、品质优。

    The variety is productive and its fruit has excellent quality with crisp , melting , juicy flesh of rich taste .

  13. 而且在非洲的各个城市,也常见到脆嫩的玉米梗摇曳于拥挤的矮房间。

    Throughout urban Africa , as well , it is common to see brittle corn stalks peeking out from behind crowded shacks .

  14. 果肉脆嫩,几乎无石细胞,汁液极其丰富,可溶性固形物可达到12%~14%。

    The flesh is crisp , nearly no stone cell , abundance juice and soluble solid concentration is 12 % - 14 % .

  15. 用同样的锅,用剩余的1茶匙油大火煎炒西兰花,不断翻炒大约2分钟,直至蔬菜变成鲜绿色且脆嫩。

    In same skillet , fry broccoli in remaining teaspoon oil over high heat until bright green and crisp , tossing often , 2 minutes .

  16. 西瓜果瓤脆嫩,味甜多汁,含有丰富的矿物盐和多种维生素,具有很高的营养价值,其栽培面积与总产量均在世界十大水果之列。

    The fruit of watermelon is crisp , sweet and juicy . It has a high nutritional value because it contains a wealth of mineral salts and vitamins .

  17. 在传统工艺基础上,通过对复煮、烘干等主要工序的改进,制得的产品质地柔软、口感脆嫩、风味独特。

    The soft jerky with soft quality , crisp and tender taste , unique flavor is made , on the basis of traditional craft , through improving the main process of reboiling , stoving etc.

  18. 其笋称绿竹笋,因其型似马蹄,故又称为马蹄笋。绿竹笋肉质脆嫩,滋味鲜美,风味独特,营养丰富。

    The bamboo shoot was called " green shoot ", because of its horseshoe-type like , also known as " Horseshoe shoot . " The bamboo shoot has a crisp flesh , delicious taste , unique flavor and rich nutrition .

  19. 薯片做法:下次你给土豆、胡萝卜、苹果还有其他根茎类蔬菜削皮的时候,把皮保留下来。在橄榄油里拌一拌,加点香料。然后放单层烤箱里烘烤到400华氏度,烤至棕黄脆嫩,约莫8到10分钟。

    As chips : The next time you peel a potato , carrot , apples , or any other root vegetable , save the peels 。 Toss them with olive oil and some spices 。 And then bake them in a single layer in a 400 degree F oven , until browned and crispy , about 8 to 10 minutes 。