
  1. 请问土豆做咸泥、烤的还是煮的?

    Do you want the potato mashed , roasted or boiled ?

  2. 在特拉维夫的大排档,你还可以加上鹰嘴豆泥、泡菜、烤茄子沙拉、山羊奶酪薯条(直接夹到里面),还有各类值得冒险尝试的酱汁。

    At Tel Aviv falafel stands , you can also add hummus , pickled veggies , roasted eggplant salad , feta cheese , French fries ( just stuff ' em in ) and a wide assortment of adventurous hot sauces .

  3. 在墨西哥街头美食小摊处,你会发现其他令人垂涎欲滴的馅料,比如:土豆和切碎的西班牙腊肠、仙人掌、南瓜花、腌制的蘑菇、墨西哥玉米松露(玉米蘑菇)、炸豆泥和各式各样或烤或慢火烹调的熟肉。

    At Mexican street stalls , you 'll find mouth-watering fillings like potato and crumbled chorizo sausage , nopal ( cactus ) , squash blossoms , saut é ed mushrooms , huitlacoche ( an earthy corn fungus ) , refried beans , and all varieties of grilled or slow-cooked meats .