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  • 网络Clay Figurine Zhang;clay figure zhang
  1. 其中最著名的是天津的“泥人张”和无锡的惠山泥人。

    The most famous were the Clay Figurine Zhang made in Tianjin and the Huishan clay figurines made in Wuxi , Jiangsu Province .

  2. 其次,笔者从知名商品特有名称的认定、相同或相近似使用的认定和是否造成公众混淆等问题展开论述,论证北京泥人张的行为是否构成不正当竞争。

    Secondly , the author launches elaboration from famous product-specific cognizing , same or approximate using , and causing the public confusion , and demonstrates whether Beijing " Clay Figurine Zhang " constitutes an act of unfair competition .

  3. 从泥人张到民族艺术的保护

    The Way in Protection of the Folk Art

  4. 老百姓都喜爱他的作品,亲切地送给他一个昵称:泥人张。

    People liked his clay figurines very much and gave him the nickname of Clay Figurine Zhang .

  5. 而使得天津泥塑大放异彩的,是“泥人张”的彩塑。

    And make Tianjin caly figurines is to shine is famous of Zhang 's Painted caly figurines .

  6. 江南的紫砂壶玲珑剔透,泥人张的彩塑令人拍案叫绝,它们不都是泥土的微笑吗?

    Both the exquisiteness of the boccaro teapots made in south China , and the shockingly beautiful sculptures by Clay Sculptor Zhang of Tianjin & aren 't they all smiles of the earth ?

  7. 首先,通对过案情和审判结果的回顾,对司法实践中北京泥人张的行为是否构成不正当竞争提出不同观点。

    Firstly , according to review of the case and adjudication result , in this paper different points of view are show that whether Beijing " Clay Figurine Zhang " constitutes an act of unfair competition in juridical practice .