
ní jiāng bèng
  • mud pump;slurry (or mud, slush) pump
  1. 氧化铝用LC泥浆泵叶轮的国产化

    Home-made Impeller of LC Slurry Pump Used in Alumina Industry

  2. 简易吸泥船泥浆泵磨损破坏原因分析

    Analysis on Abrasion Reason of Slurry Pump in Simple Hydraulic Suction Dredge

  3. CAD技术在泥浆泵水力设计中的应用

    Application of CAD Technology in Hydraulic Design of Mud Pump

  4. F系列泥浆泵国产化概要

    Discussion on the development of the imported F series mud pumps

  5. 应用Matlab软件,编制和调试泥浆泵用永磁同步电动机电磁计算软件。

    Electromagnetic software of PMSM used in mud pump with Matlab is programmed and debugged .

  6. 基于ADAMS的泥浆泵曲柄连杆机构动态仿真分析

    Dynamic Simulation Analysis of Crack-connecting Rod of Mud Pump Based on ADAMS

  7. F-1300型泥浆泵液力端阀座有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Liquid-end Valve-seat of F-1300 Pump

  8. NJB-1型泥浆泵自动控制器的研制

    Development of automatic controller of slurry pumps NJB-1

  9. 本文详细地介绍了SL3NB-1300型三缸单作用泥浆泵的研制技术。

    A minute description in design technology for Model SL3NB-1300 triplex slush pump was given in this paper .

  10. 目前,FCB合金在国外已成功的应用于一些热作模具如轧辊、玻璃瓶模具、铸铝和铸镁模具以及耐磨备件如泥浆泵叶轮等。

    The alloys have been successfully applied to produce dies , such as mill roller , glass mould , casting mould for aluminum and magnesium components , and other wear-resistant components , such as slurry impeller .

  11. 该试验井施工使用GZ-2000型水源钻机,TBW-850/50型泥浆泵,钻探深度2202.98m。

    The GZ-2000 type water source drill rig and TBW-850 / 50 mud pump were used in the test well construction , drilling depth 2202.98m .

  12. 简要介绍了BW1200型泥浆泵的性能参数、结构特点,以及在河南周口施工地热井的使用情况。

    This paper introduces performance parameters , structure features of BW1200 mud pump and its field application cases for geothermal well drilling in Zhoukou Prefecture .

  13. 论文还对缸套的失效原因进行了分析和归纳,对工作状态的缸套进行了应力分析,并结合GP-5型泥浆泵缸套的结构特点,设计了Sialon陶瓷缸套的结构和尺寸。

    This paper also analyzes and summarizes the failure reason of the cylinder liner , analyses the stress of cylinder liner in working state . Based on GP - 5 types of mud pump cylinder structure characteristics , the structure and size parameters of Sialon ceramic liner was designed .

  14. 黄河标准化堤防建设中使用的LQS两相流潜水泵系统是由3个两相流潜水泵并联加2个泥浆泵串联组成复杂的串并联系统。

    The LQS two-phase flow submersible pump system used in the standardization embankment building of the Yellow River composes 3 two-phase flow submersible pumps and 2 sludge pumps forming as a complicated series and parallel connection system .

  15. 结果表明,铁镍稀土合金具有较高的硬度、较好的耐磨性,耐磨性能优于100V和高碳高铬铸铁,降低了泥浆泵缸套的成本,是制造泥浆泵缸套的理想材料。

    Besides , they make an industrial experiment , and the experiments show that iron nickel alloy has high rigidity , better wear resistance compared with 100V and high chrome casting iron . As a result , it is the proper material to make cylinder liner of mud pump .

  16. 新型泥浆泵水力与抗磨蚀研究

    Research on Hydraulic Performance & Wearing Resistant Measures of Slurry Pumps

  17. 泥浆泵变速传动机构的研究

    Views on research of speed transmitting system of the mud pump

  18. 挖泥船专用泥浆泵齿轮箱设计研究

    Research on the design of dredging ship special mud pump gearbox

  19. 泥浆泵试车过程微机实时测控系统

    The Computer-Based Real-Time Measuring and Controlling System for Mud Pump Testing

  20. BW250型泥浆泵树脂骨架橡胶活塞的研制

    Development of Piston with Resin Insert Rubber for BW-250 Slurry Pump

  21. 石油钻井技术的发展与大功率泥浆泵

    The development of petroleum drilling technique and high horsepower mud pump

  22. 稀酸澄清槽泥浆泵选型及改造

    Type Selection and Reformation for Slurry Pump of Dilute Acid Precipitator

  23. 间接式泥浆泵体积流速流量测量仪的研制

    The Development of Indireet Volume & Flow Meter for Mud Pumps

  24. 新型液压泥浆泵自动换向控制技术

    New Type Automatic Reversing of Controlling Technology about Hydraulic Mud Pump

  25. 压力平衡式三缸泥浆泵的流量不均度分析

    Analysis of flow uneven coefficient of pressure balanced triplex mud pump

  26. 液力传动泥浆泵的正常工作条件

    On working normal operating condition of mud pumps with torque converters

  27. 新型泥浆泵液压系统设计与仿真分析

    Design and Analysis of the Hydraulic System of a Mud Pump

  28. 往复式泥浆泵出口流量的一种非接触测量方法

    The Contactless Measuring Method for Outlet Flow of Reciprocating Sludge Pump

  29. 3NB100泥浆泵泵体光弹性试验

    The Photoelectric Test of 3 NB 100 Slush Pump Casing

  30. 泥浆泵复垦土壤生产力的评价及其土壤重构

    Productivity appraisal of soil reclaimed by HDP and its reconstruction