
  • 网络Orange juice;orange;Fresh Orange Juice
  1. 作者单位成功开发了超高压鲜橙汁,产品最大限度地保持了原汁的天然风味。

    Our laboratory successfully developed the orange juice product by ultra-high pressure to maximize the juice to keep the natural flavor .

  2. 他身体虚弱,行走缓慢,但是,他总是为我亲手榨好一杯鲜橙汁放在厨房桌子上,旁边有一张不签名的纸条,上边写着:“把橙汁喝了。”

    He was frail and moved slowly , but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table for me , along with an unsigned note reading , " Drink your juice . "

  3. 甲:请您给我一杯鲜橙汁好吗?

    A : May I have a glass of fresh orange juice please ?

  4. 自动榨汁机,你可以把新鲜的操作鲜橙汁。

    Automatic juicing machine that you can operate to get fresh squeezed orange juice .

  5. 他们第二喜欢的是鲜橙汁(41%),第三喜欢的是咖啡(35%)。

    Second favourite is fresh orange juice ( 41 % ) and in third is coffee ( 35 % ) 。

  6. 以蜂蜜-鲜橙汁饮料的研制为例,阐述了二次通用旋转组合设计的实验思路及寻找实验最优区域的方法。

    Taking the development of " Honey-Orange Juice Beverage " as an example , the experiment ideas for the quadratic general rotary unitized design and the optimum methods of finding out the best area were described .

  7. 乔布斯说想要鲜榨橙汁。

    Mr. Jobs said he wanted freshly squeezed orange juice .

  8. 超高压处理对鲜榨橙汁中主要香气成分的影响

    Effects of ultra high pressure treatment on main flavour compounds in orange juice

  9. 它由有机草莓、冰块、鲜榨橙汁、朗姆酒和蜂蜜制成。

    It is made with organic strawberries , ice , fresh-squeezed orange juice , rum and honey .

  10. 超高压处理对鲜榨橙汁香气的影响及异味控制措施研究

    Effects of Ultra-high Pressure on Aroma Compounds in Fresh Orange Juice and Its Controlling Measures on Off-flavour

  11. 本课题以鲜榨橙汁为研究对象,研究超高压处理对橙汁中微生物和致褐酶、色泽、主要理化性质、主要香气物质的影响,为开发高品质橙汁提供理论依据。

    The effect of ultra high pressure ( UHP ) treatment on microorganism , enzyme , physicochemical properties and aroma in fresh orange were investigated , in order to provide the theory date for developing quality of orange juice .

  12. 哦,鲜榨的橙汁,我喜欢。对了,我听说美国人都很喜欢逛酒吧。

    Well , I heard American people love hanging out in bars .

  13. 鲜榨的橙汁,西瓜汁,黄瓜汁,西芹汁或番茄汁。

    Your choice of freshly squeezed juice orange , Watermelon , cucumber , celery or tomato .

  14. 浓缩橙汁是今后相当长时期内的主要产品,NFC(鲜冷汁)橙汁可能是10年后有发展潜力的产品,柑橘全果罐头将是罐头类的潜在新产品。

    FCOJ will be the main product in next few years , NFC orange juice is a potential product in 10 years , and the peeled citrus fruits will be a new potential product of canned citrus .

  15. 我们的鲜榨果汁有橙汁、苹果汁、西瓜汁、芒果汁。

    We have fresh orange juice , apple juice , watermelon juice , and mango juice .