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xiān dù
  • freshness
鲜度[xiān dù]
  1. 综述了用于鱼肉鲜度测定的几种不同类型的生物传感器,包括K值测定传感器、微生物传感器和胺类测定传感器。

    There are different kinds of biosensors of fish freshness determination , which include K-value biosensor , microbial biosensor and amine biosensor Zhengzhou .

  2. K值可作为评价罗氏沼虾高质量鲜度的指标,35%为可接受的极限值。

    The experimental results suggested that K value can be used as a freshness index of shrimp of high quality and its maximum value for eatable shrimps is 35 % .

  3. 本文从感官、僵硬指数和腺苷三磷酸(ATP)关联物三方面对鲢在保藏中的鲜度变化进行了探讨。

    The variations in sensory evaluation , rigor index , and ATP related compounds were investigated in this paper .

  4. 微冻能很好地保持大黄鱼的各鲜度指标,保持较低的K值、细菌总数、T-VBN值,其贮藏期限可达30d以上;

    Partial freezing could restrain the growth of bacteria significantly , keep the T-VBN and K value at relatively low level .

  5. 目的探索评价生猪肉鲜度指标(腺苷酸)及与细菌(BT)和硫化氢(H2S)关系。

    Objective To explore the freshness index of the fresh pork ( the adenosine triphosphate ) and whose relationship with the total bacteria ( BT ) and H 2S .

  6. 研究掺铝ZnO厚膜对三甲胺(TMA)气体的敏感性,并讨论用于检验海产品鲜度的可能性。

    Sensing properties of aluminum-doped ZnO thick film were investigated for the detection of trimethylamine ( TMA ) . The possibility of detecting freshness of sea foods was discussed .

  7. 将此SPME技术与气相色谱联用能简单、快速、有效地检测鱼的鲜度。

    The application of this SPME technique coupled with gas chromatography has been shown to be feasible for the rapid determination of fish freshness .

  8. 盐溶性蛋白质溶解度(EPN)的变化与蛋白质变性密切相关,可能也与缢蛏的鲜度存在较大关系。

    The EPN change was closely associated with the denaturation of proteins , and also with the freshness of razor clam .

  9. 建立和验证了用于预测冷藏养殖大黄鱼(Pseudosciaenacrocea)鲜度和剩余货架期的特定腐败菌生长动力学模型。

    A growth kinetics model of specific spoilage organisms was developed and tested for predicting the freshness quality and remaining shelf life of cultured Pseudosciaena crocea stored aerobically at low temperature .

  10. 结果表明:冰藏过程中鲻鱼的鲜度急剧降低,其货架期仅为10d左右,冻藏过程中蛇鲻保藏90d,鲜度缓慢降低。

    The results showed that freshness of iced lizard fish decreased rapidly and the shelf life of the iced fish was about 10 days , while the freshness of frozen lizard fish decreased slowly throughout the storage .

  11. 冰藏过程中pH值变化不大,但挥发性盐基氮及感官指标变化比较明显,挥发性盐基氮在第9d时达到33.73mg/100g,处于Ⅲ级鲜度范围。

    During the frozen storage , the pH value dose not change obviously , but the T-VBN value and the sensory scores change remarkably . T-VBN value gets up to 33.73mg/100g after 9 days , being in ⅲ grade of freshness .

  12. 发现LAL试验结果与微生物及鲜度指标测定结果呈正相关,根据LAL指数,可快速判定肉品的细菌污染程度及鲜度。患儿中牛羊肉sIgE阳性率很低。

    A positive correlation wns observed among the indices . It was found LAL test index can be used to determine rapidly the bacterial contamination and freshness of the beef and mutton meat . The positive sIgE values to beef and mutton were low .

  13. 鱼肉鲜度快速检测技术新进展

    The New Development of the Rapid Measurement Techniques of Fish Freshness

  14. 药剂处理对贮藏蘑菇鲜度及多酚氧化酶活性的影响

    Effect of chemical treatments on freshness and polyphenoloxidase activity of storage mushroom

  15. 高压静电场处理对青椒鲜度保持的影响

    Effect of High-voltage Static Electric Field on Keeping Fresh of Green Pepper

  16. 淡水养殖鱼类死后生化变化及其对鲜度质量的影响

    Post-mortem biochemical changes and their effect on freshness of cultured freshwater fish

  17. 鲜度是鱼类可食用性的重要标志。

    Freshness is a very important sign of edible fish .

  18. 印花绒布花色鲜度的分析

    Analyze the brightness of printed pattern on raised cloth

  19. 利用模式识别技术识别鱼肉的鲜度

    Pattern-Recognition Techniques for Detection of the Freshness of Fish

  20. 酶生物传感器测定鱼类鲜度的研究

    Studies on the enzyme biosensor for evaluating fish freshness

  21. 冰藏鲢的鲜度变化对其鱼糜凝胶作用的影响

    Effect of'freshness for iced silver carp on gel formation

  22. 综合评价鱼粉鲜度对品质的影响

    Integrated assessment of fish meal quality by its freshness

  23. 电子鼻和电子舌在鱼肉鲜度评价中的应用研究

    Application on Evaluation of Fish Quality and Freshness by Electronic Tongue and Nose

  24. 鱼肉鲜度测定方法研究进展

    Advances in the Studies on Fish Freshness Determination

  25. 它们永远保持了爱情的鲜度。

    They always maintained a love of freshness .

  26. 生物传感器在鱼肉鲜度测定中的应用

    The Application of Biosensor in Fish Freshness Determination

  27. 鲢在保藏中的鲜度变化

    The freshness variation of silver carp during storage

  28. 鳙在不同保藏温度下的鲜度变化

    Change of freshness for bighead at different temperatures

  29. 虾类产品鲜度评价方法研究进展

    Research advance of shrimp freshness evaluation method

  30. 虾类产品鲜度判定方法

    Determination Methods on Freshness of Shrimp Product