
  1. 他跟着那个面貌鲜润的快乐妇人走。

    He followed the woman , who had a rosy , cheerful face ;

  2. 鲜润的脸蛋儿笑嘻嘻的。

    Their fresh cheeks were full of laughter .

  3. 蕴含天然专利水凝因子,超凡亲和水养成份,令盈亮色彩持久附着双唇,引发不可思议的自然鲜润之美。

    Containing natural patented hydraulic factor and super affinity ingredients , which keeps your lips sparking , makes your lips incredibly natural and fresh .

  4. 与此同时,两眼失明而又丧失希望的俄狄浦斯认识到,他与世界之间的唯一联系就是一个年轻姑娘鲜润的手。

    Yet at the same time , blind and desperate , he realizes that the only bond linking him to the world is the cool hand of a girl .

  5. 其外表紧洁、鲜润,色泽墨绿,茶汤金黄,韵味醇厚、细腻,回味甘鲜。

    It displays a tight and fresh bloom in shape , greenish black in color , golden in tea color , mellow and delicate in flavor , fresh and sweet in aftertaste .

  6. 柜台上,端坐着当时仍然肥硕鲜润的卢梭大娘,付帐时,他给堂倌一个苏,卢梭大娘则对他报以微笑。

    When he paid at the desk where Madam Rousseau , at that period still plump and rosy majestically presided , he gave a sou to the waiter , and Madam Rousseau gave him a smile .