
  • 网络fresh milk;Raw milk
  1. 这是鲜牛奶吗?

    Is this milk fresh ?

  2. 方法:应用微胶囊技术科学配方成维生素AD、铁营养粉,添加到鲜牛奶中。

    Methods : Using the microcapsule technique to make the nutritious AD and iron powder that were then put into the fresh milk .

  3. 氨基酸分(AAS)和化学分(CS),鲜牛奶为0.95和0.54,豆浆为0.86和0.49。

    Their amino acid score ( AAS ) and chemical score ( CS ) are 0.95 and 0.54 for fresh milk , 0.89 and 0.49 for soybean milk .

  4. 目的肠道摄入的胰岛素样生长因子I(IGF-I)能促进肠粘膜细胞的增殖和增加双糖酶的活性。本研究旨在确定和比较婴儿配方奶、鲜牛奶和人乳的IGF-I含量。

    Objective To determine IGF I contents in the infant formulas based on cow 's milk , fresh cow 's milk and human milk .

  5. 结论从来源于鲜牛奶的抗乳酸乳球菌菌株中扩增出完整NSR基因,定位于质粒上。

    Conclusion Complete NSR gene , located on the bacterial plasmid , has been successfully isolated from nisin-resistant Lactococcus lactis strains from fresh milk .

  6. 结果表明:在25℃时激活LPS可使鲜牛奶保存到18h,保存时间比对照组延长了约5~6h,并可提高1~2个卫生等级;

    The result showed that the activation of LPS could make the raw milk to be preserved for 18 hours , prolonging the fresh period about 5 ~ 6 h , and furthermore its hygienic grade was improved compared with the control when the test temperature was 25 ℃ .

  7. 结果表明,鲜牛奶85.0%,复合稳定剂0.16%,巧克力香精0.07%,食用色素0.106%,AK糖0.02%,可可粉0.4%,白砂糖2.0%(均为质量分数,下同)。

    The results showed that the proportion of fresh milk , stabilizer , chocolate flavor , edible pigment , acesulfame-k , cocoa powder and sugar , was 85.0 % , 0.16 % , 0.07 % , 0.106 % , 0.02 % , 0.4 % and 2.0 % respectively .

  8. 〔结果〕方法的检出限达0.015mg/kg,线性关系良好,本法测定了婴儿奶粉、孕产妇专用奶粉和鲜牛奶中的硝酸盐,加标回收率分别达94.6%,92.1%,109.6%。

    The method has been used to analyze baby milk powder ; milk power specialized for pregnant mothers and the fresh milk , respectively which the recoveries of standard addition are 94.6 % , 92.1 % and 109.6 % .

  9. 电阻抗法快速检测鲜牛奶中细菌总数

    Rapid determination of bacterial numbers in raw milk by impedance method

  10. 好吧,把鲜牛奶趁热喝下去吧。

    Come , drink your new milk while it is warm .

  11. 江西省宜春市市场鲜牛奶品质分析

    Comparison of 9 Brands of Fresh Milk at Yichun City in Jiangxi

  12. 我每天早上喜欢喝一杯鲜牛奶。

    I like to drink a cup of fresh milk each morning .

  13. 鲜牛奶变质过程的激光诱导荧光光谱研究

    Study on the Deteriorating Course of Fresh Milk by Laser-induced Fluorescence Spectra

  14. 微波能消毒袋装鲜牛奶技术研究

    Studies on Sterilization of Soft Packed Milk by Microwave Energy

  15. 鲜牛奶与豆浆的氨基酸营养比较

    Amino acid nutrition comparison between fresh milk and soybean milk

  16. 我喜欢鲜牛奶和黄油。

    I like fresh milk and ( fresh ) butter .

  17. 用消毒鲜牛奶全人工哺育美洲狮幼仔的试验初探

    The Study of Full Hand-rearing of the Felis concolor Infants with Sterilizing Fresh-milk

  18. 我喝了定期消毒的牛奶是用鲜牛奶了。

    I drank regular pasteurized milk which was made out of fresh milk .

  19. 鲜牛奶生产过程中影响产品卫生质量的关键环节分析

    The Probe of Key Points Affecting Hygienic Quality in Fresh Milk Technological Process

  20. 以苦杏仁,鲜牛奶为主要原料,研制一种复合型保健饮料。

    A health promotional beverage was developed by combination of almond and milk .

  21. 柱后衍生-荧光检测高效液相色谱法快速测定鲜牛奶中链霉素残留量

    Post column derivatization liquid chromatographic method for determination of streptomycin residues in milk

  22. 塞吉奥:我不知道,可能会卖鲜牛奶。

    Sergio : I don 't know . I would probably sell fresh milk .

  23. 请给我一杯加鲜牛奶的咖啡好吗?

    Could I have coffee with fresh milk .

  24. 来自农场的鲜牛奶和鸡蛋。

    Fresh milk and eggs from the farm .

  25. 鲜牛奶真空微波干燥工艺的研究初探

    Elementary study on fresh milk by microwave-vacuum drying

  26. 鲜牛奶重要指标的生化实验&鲜牛奶的性价比分析

    Biochemical Experiment on Fresh Milk 's Important Index & Analysis of Fresh Milk Cost Performance

  27. 对大肠杆菌的抑制作用则欠佳。探讨了茶多酚在鲜肉和鲜牛奶中的防腐效果。

    In the end , the antiseptic effect of tea-polyphenol in fresh-meat or fresh-milk was also discussed .

  28. 对于胃肠道缺乏乳酸酶或喝鲜牛奶容易腹泻的人,可改喝酸奶。

    The enzyme lactate gastrointestinal lack of fresh milk to drink or diarrhea , may be diverted volunteers .

  29. 脱脂奶粉是把鲜牛奶中的乳脂分离出来,进行消毒、浓缩、喷雾干燥而形成的乳白色粉末。

    Full Cream Milk power is produced from fresh cow 's milk which is evaporated and concentrated and spray-dried .

  30. 用氨基酸自动分析仪分析了鲜牛奶和5%豆浆的蛋白质氨基酸组成及含量。

    The protein-based amino acid composition and content of fresh milk and soybean milk were analysed by amino acid analyzer .