
  • 网络fresh cocoon
  1. 采用茧层量检验鲜茧标准的研究

    Studies on Fresh Cocoon Testing Standards by Cocoon Shell Weight

  2. 山东省现行家蚕品种鲜茧理论烘率测算

    Determination of theoretical drying percentage of fresh cocoon produced by the major silkworm varieties of Shandong

  3. 蚕茧近红外反射(NIR)光谱的模式识别&Ⅰ.对雌雄鲜茧、死笼茧的非破坏性识别

    Pattern recognition of silkworm cocoons by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy ─ⅰ . nondestructive identification of sexuality and viability of fresh cocoon

  4. 国标GB/T15268桑蚕鲜茧中缫剩茧换算系数的分析

    Analysis on the Conversion Factors of Carry-over Cocoons of Fresh Mulberry Cocoons in the National Standard GB / T15268

  5. CWD-1型智能鲜茧茧层水份测定仪

    Model CWD-1 Intelligent Moisture Content Testing Instrument for Testing Silkworm Cocoons

  6. 研究认为:蚕茧干燥中室内相对湿度峰值不出现在临排气前的82℃时段,而是位于鲜茧进灶10min左右的70℃附近;

    The result of this study indicates that the peak value of relative humidity in the drying chamber appears at the period of 70 ℃, 10 minutes after the fresh cocoon was got into the drying chamber , instead of the period of 82 ℃ before the ventilation .

  7. CWD-1司是由单片机控制的测定鲜茧茧层水份的智能测定仪,本文阐述了其测定水份的原理,传感器结构,高阻输入接口和仪器智能化的硬、软件设计。

    Controlled by a mono-chip computer , CWD-1 is an intelligent testing instrument for testing the moisture content in fresh silkworm cocoons . This paper expounds the principle of moisture content testing , the structure of the sensor and the instrument design of its hardware and software .

  8. 提高我国鲜茧出丝率途径探讨

    Investigations on Measures to Improve Silk Yielding of Chinese Fresh Cocoons

  9. 桑蚕茧鲜茧检定与干茧检验比较试论桑蚕干茧检验的抽样数量

    A Comparison between Fresh Mulberry Cocoon Test and Dried Cocoon Inspection

  10. 鲜茧冷藏温度和时间对茧质的影响

    Effects of Temperature and Time in Cold Storage on Fresh Cocoon Quality

  11. 四川省桑蚕茧(鲜茧)分级及检验方法技术报告

    A Technical Report by Sichuan Province on the Classification and Inspection of Fresh Mulberry

  12. 试论印度鲜茧交易计价与我国评茧方法改革

    Discussion about Transaction Price of Fresh Cocoon in India and Reform of Cocoon Evaluation Method in China

  13. 本研究用解舒率不同的两种鲜茧为试料,探讨了-7℃,-25℃两种温度下冷藏不同时间对茧丝工艺性质的影响。

    Cocoon qualities were studied by storing two kinds of fresh cocoon of different reelability per-centagesat temperature-7 ℃ and-25 ℃ .

  14. 该配套技术工程包括两个部分内容:(一)采用鲜茧篮堆,热风烘茧,一次干工艺配套技术;

    The technology consists of : ( 1 ) a single drying process incorporatingpiling-up of baskets containing fresh cocoons and hot air drying ;

  15. 为满足鲜茧收购现场缫丝计价的要求,研制出微型试缫机。

    The miniature trial reeling machine was made to meet the demands of price determination of fresh cocoon by reeling on the spot .

  16. 并着重讨论了杀蛹前后鲜茧及鲜裸蛹干燥速度的变化情况。

    The variations of drying rate of the fresh cocoon before or after pupa killing and that of the living bare pupa are discussed .

  17. 建立了基于可见/近红外光谱技术的鲜茧茧层含水率和干壳量的快速检测模型。

    The rapid detection models for moisture content ( MC ) of fresh cocoon layer and dry weight ( DW ) of the cocoon layer were built .

  18. 比较了桑蚕茧鲜茧检定与干茧检验在样茧抽取、茧质分级标准、检验设备和工艺条件、解舒检验计算方法上的不同点。

    Fresh mulberry cocoons test and dried cocoons inspection are compared in respects of different cocoon sampling , classification standards , testing appliances , technical conditions , inspection and calculation of reelability .

  19. 文中介绍了其中的收烘工作准备、鲜茧收购、鲜茧处理、蚕茧干燥、干茧处理、考核评比办法等内容。

    In the paper , it is introduced the preparation for purchasing and drying , fresh cocoons purchasing and treatment , cocoons drying , dried cocoons treatment and assessment & evaluation methods and so on .

  20. 鲜茧在4~7℃保存可显著抑制蚕蛹的发育,但随冷藏时间的延长,死笼率明显上升,接种成功率显著下降;

    Development of fresh silkworm pupa was clearly repressed when they were kept at 4 to 7 ℃ and their death rate greatly increased while the rate of successful inoculation significantly decreased with elongation of cryopreservation time .

  21. 而同一品种内雌雄茧和鲜干茧之间的茧层丝胶含量则没有明显差异。

    The results showed that there were obvious difference in sericin content of different variety , but no difference were found among female and male cocoons , fresh and dry cocoons of the same variety .