
  1. 除烙铁头、竹叶青之间其余相对尾长的差异显著。

    The interspecific differentiations of relative tail length of each kind of adders were significant except Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus and Trimeresurus stejnegeri .

  2. 其主峰也俄哈峰海拔4358米,状似古代少女头上的青螺发髻,故而得名“螺髻山”。

    It got its name from its highest peak ( 4358 m above sea level ) that looks like the hair style of an ancient maid .

  3. 除鸟类外,南生围内亦有不同种类的植物及生物,如赤桉树、芦苇、红头潜鸭、青头潜鸭及招潮蟹等等。

    In addition to bird , the Nam Sang Wai also different types of plants and organisms such as red eucalyptus , reed , red head diving duck , blue duck and fiddler crabs , and so the first potential .

  4. 这位22岁的女演员9月26日在自己的Twitter上说自己在拍摄期间遇到了一点小事故,头被撞得又青又肿。

    The22-year-old actress tweeted Sept.26 she suffered from a little accident on set , which resulted in a purple bump .