
tóu xù
  • clue;lead;main threads;main threads (of a complicated affair)
头绪 [tóu xù]
  • [main threads (of a complicated affair)] 端绪;线索

  • 茫无头绪

头绪[tóu xù]
  1. 最后她找到了解开那个谜的头绪。

    At last she found a clue to the puzzle .

  2. 对于大学生活我毫无头绪。

    I had no clue about the life in a college .

  3. 他那时正试图把导致这一局面的一系列复杂事件理出个头绪来。

    He was trying to ravel out the complicated series of events that had led to this situation .

  4. 想在混乱中理出头绪是一种知性本能。

    The wish to impose order upon confusion is a kind of intellectual instinct

  5. 只有把东西记下来,我才能从混乱中理出些头绪来。

    Only by writing things down could I bring some sort of order to the confusion .

  6. 他耍宝逗乐,讲荤段子,没完没了地说一堆毫无头绪的八卦。

    He camped it up , he told bad taste jokes and endless anecdotes with no point at all .

  7. 我们这里正乱作一团,我需要一点时间来理清头绪。

    We 're in a state of complete chaos here and I need a little time to sort myself out .

  8. 事事都无头绪,真让人烦乱。

    Everything is in a mess , which drives people crazy .

  9. 这案件头绪纷繁,很是搔头。

    This case is most complicated and perplexing .

  10. 事情渐渐有了头绪。

    Things are settling into shape .

  11. 事情头绪繁乱。

    It is a complicated matter .

  12. 我们把问题掰了一上午,还是理不清头绪。

    We spent the whole morning going over the problem , but still failed to sort it out .

  13. 在我整整两天都毫无头绪的时候,我突然想到关于我所处理的这个课题,我是否可以请教专家或者曾经学过这门课程的人来帮助我渡过难关。

    As I sat blocked and clueless for two solid days , I momentarily wondered if I couldn 't just call an expert on the subject matter which I was tackling , or someone who took the class previously , to get me going .

  14. n.(缝衣服的)线;头绪你有针和线可以借我吗?

    thread Do you have a needle and thread I can borrow ?

  15. 经由日本法律理出其社会奥秘的头绪,正是密歇根法学院教授markwest的专长。

    Teasing out the mysteries of Japanese society by way of its statutes is the speciality of mark West , a professor at Michigan Law School .

  16. 昨天听了Helen的演讲受到启发,我认为,脑部特征可能使女性更善于应对头绪纷乱的事情。

    Following off from Helen yesterday , this is probably why women are better at multi-tasking .

  17. 那摩斯电码有头绪了吗UMQRA是这样吗安克拉

    Did you get anywhere with that Morse code ? U , M , Q , R , A , wasn 't it ? Umqra .

  18. 如果您没有头绪,或者一个项目非常适合使用shell命令,但不知道如何使用,那么我在这里提供一些见解。

    In case you 're stuck for ideas or a project that just jumps out as a good way to use shell commands hasn 't presented itself , I offer a few ideas here .

  19. 作为北美最大的网上隐形眼镜零售商之一,CoastalContacts在结束两天的策略规划议程时,对如何加速业务增长仍无头绪。

    Coastal contacts , one of the largest online contact-lens retailers in North America , came out of its two-day planning session at a loss for how to rev up growth .

  20. 自己去猜吧。歌词中的什么“tides”和“clocks”我还完全没有头绪。

    Go figure , and I haven 't the slightest idea what is going on with the " tides " and the " clocks " in the lyrics .

  21. 研究先驱琼鲁宾(joanrubin)指出,效率高的语言学习者愿意进行猜测联系上下文、从语言和非语言线索中寻找头绪。

    Joan Rubin , a pioneering researcher , argued that effective language learners are prepared to guess from context and from verbal and non-verbal clues .

  22. 通过Twitter时刻关注投资者和创业者的动态(如果没有头绪,可参考Sulia提供的一些不错的清单,可点击这里和这里)。

    Follow investor / startup people on twitter ( sulia has some good lists to get you started here and here ) .

  23. 八国集团(g8)在今、明两天的讨论中,必须从混乱中理出头绪,就气候变化的未来协定达成一个框架。

    In their discussions today and tomorrow , the group of eight must cut through the confusion and reach agreement on a framework for a future deal on climate change .

  24. 佛罗里达洲的调查员申称有关5岁女童HaleighCummings的失踪案找到了新头绪。

    Florida investigators say they 're working new leads in the disappearance of five-year-old Haleigh Cummings .

  25. 舒尔茨当时坐在俯瞰普吉特海湾(PugetSound)的星巴克总部的办公桌旁,几乎没有时间整理头绪,因为白宫方面在两分钟前才安排好这次通话。

    Seated at his desk at Starbucks headquarters overlooking Puget Sound , Schultz barely had time to collect his thoughts ; the White House had set up the call two minutes in advance .

  26. 针对马来西亚航空(MalaysianAirlines)失联客机的搜救工作已持续至第四天,但目前仍然毫无头绪。与此同时,中国也正在动用该国快速发展的卫星监视系统参与搜救。

    China is bringing its rapidly expanding satellite surveillance capabilities to bear in the effort to find out what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight 370 as the search stretches into its fourth day with virtually no clarity on where the jet might be .

  27. 凭借PlayStation游戏主机和随身听(Walkman),该公司曾经一度走在游戏和音乐行业的前沿,可现在往往被认为是毫无头绪,甚至傲慢自大。

    The company that was once on the cutting edge in gaming with the Playstation and in music with the Walkman , is now widely regarded as prone to cluelessness or , worse , arrogance .

  28. 现在您已经对希望NHRT应用程序实现的功能有了一点头绪,下一个挑战就是找出系统在其中完成这些任务的存储区。

    Now that you 've got a feel for what you want the NHRT application to do , the next challenge is to work out which memory areas the system is going to do it in .

  29. 但我还一点头绪都没有。

    But I 'm not getting any traction on it yet .

  30. 他想一个人不受打扰地把事情理出一个头绪来。

    He wanted to be left alone to think things out .