
  • 网络Supportive psychotherapy;supportive therapy
  1. 方法:应用支持性心理治疗对病人实施心理干预,采用HAMA、HAMD量表和临床自行设计问卷对105老年患者手术前后进行调查。

    Methods : The supportive psychotherapy was employed to treat the old patients undergoing heart intervention operation . HAMA 、 HAMD measure forms and clinic self-edited questionnaire were adopted to carry out an investigation on 105 cases before and after heart intervention operation .

  2. 支持性心理治疗对慢性乙型肝炎患者心理健康水平的影响

    Influence of supportive psychotherapy on the psychological health level of patients with chronic hepatitis B

  3. 支持性心理治疗中、后期实验组患者BDI、BAI得分低于对照组,两组比较有显著差异(P0.01)。

    The scores of the BAI and BDI of the experiment group is lower than control group , the difference is significant ( P0.01 ) 3 .

  4. 结论:以头晕为主诉的ACI患者,若经改善脑血流循环治疗无效者,则应实施抗焦虑/抑郁药物治疗和支持性心理治疗,可望获得良好疗效。

    Conclusion : The ACI patients with complaints of dizziness , if no response to the therapy of improving cerebral blood flowing , will reach good efficacy with anti-anxiety / antidepressive therapy and supportive psychological therapy .

  5. 干预内容包括支持性心理治疗、放松疗法、行为矫正疗法。

    The intervention contained psychological treatment , relaxation therapy and behavior modification therapy .

  6. 方法将90例慢性乙肝患者,随机分为3组,实验组在临床治疗的同时分别采用支持性心理治疗和渐进性神经肌肉放松训练。

    General supportive psychotherapy and progressive nerve muscle relaxation were adopted in two experimental groups respectively .

  7. 目的探讨一般支持性心理治疗和认知疗法在肝癌护理中的作用。

    Objective To explore the functions of general supportive psychotherapy and cognitive therapy in hepatoma nursing .

  8. 结论对症治疗与支持性心理治疗相结合对心脏神经症患者有肯定疗效。

    Conclusion Adequate drug therapy together with supportive psychotherapy has reliable efficacy on patients with cardiac neurosis .

  9. 实验组在常规治疗护理的基础上给予支持性心理治疗,对照组只给予常规治疗护理。

    The experiment group get Supportive Psychotherapy intervention The control group just get routine therapy and nursing .

  10. 结论:支持性心理治疗能有效改善慢性乙型肝炎患者常见的心理问题。

    CONCLUSION : Supportive psychotherapy can effectively improve the common psychological problems in patients with chronic hepatitis B.

  11. 对照组患者在服用原先药物的基础上,给予常规支持性心理治疗。

    Patients in control group were treated with routine supportive psychotherapy on the basis of taking the original drug .

  12. 内观认知疗法明显改善患者认知偏差,显著强于常规支持性心理治疗。

    NaiKan Cognitive Therapy is significantly stronger than routine supportive psychotherapy in the improvement of patients ' cognitive biases .

  13. 方法采用对症治疗与支持性心理治疗相结合的方法,对32例心脏神经症患者进行治疗。

    Method 32 patients with cardiac neurosis were treated with a comprehensive measure consists of adequate drug therapy and supportive psychotherapy .

  14. [结论]一般支持性心理治疗和认知疗法能有效改善慢性乙型病毒性肝炎病人的心身症状。

    Conclusion : common supportive psychotherapy and cognitive therapy can improve the psychosomatic symptoms for patients with chromic hepatitis B effectively .

  15. 心理治疗强迫症包括支持性心理治疗和行为治疗,大约80%的患者症状改善。不仅要对强迫症患者进行耐心的心理辅导,还要教育其亲属,以唤起患者周围强大的支持系统。

    Psychotherapy includes supportive psychotherapy and behavioral therapy , and about 80 % patients can get relief of symptoms under this treatment .

  16. 结论:支持性心理治疗、认知疗法、渐进性神经肌肉放松训练对改善病人的心身症状有明显效果。

    Conclusions : General supportive psychotherapy , cognitive therapy , progressive nerve muscle relaxation can improve the patients psychological and physical symptoms .

  17. 两组均接受相应的内科综合治疗及护理措施,研究组同时给予支持性心理治疗和认知疗法。

    The two groups accepted internal medical therapy and nursing , and at the same time the study group were given supportive psychotherapy and cognitive therapy .

  18. 干预组除行腹式子宫全切术外,在围手术期行心理干预,即:支持性心理治疗、健康教育、个别深入的心理治疗、家庭和社会支持治疗等;

    The intervention group received both total hysterectomy and psychological intervention which included supportive therapy , health education , individual psychotherapy , and , family and social supportive therapy during hospitalization .

  19. 研究组在口服常规降压药物治疗的基础上,采用行为干预治疗、生物反馈、放松训练、支持性心理治疗等综合疗法。对照组仅口服常规降压药物治疗。

    Based on the treatment of conventional antihypertension , the studied group also took the comprehensive therapy , such as behavior interference treatment , biological feedback , relaxation training and supporting psychotherapy .

  20. 研究组实施系统性健康教育3个月,对照组在给予药物治疗的基础上仅给予一般支持性心理治疗。

    All the patients were given antipsychotics , comparatively , those in study group plus systemic health education , and those in control group plus routine supportive psychological treatment , both for 3 months .

  21. 经χ2检验,P<0.05。结论产后抑郁症的发生与孕妇情绪和社会因素有关,采取支持性心理治疗可明显缓解产后抑郁症。

    The results were tested by χ 2 , P < 0.05 Conclusion The mood of pregnant woman and social factors were related to the onset of postpartum depression and some psychological treatments were effective .

  22. 对干预组施以个别化家庭干预(个别家庭心理教育辅与认知行为治疗),对对照组仅施以一般支持性心理治疗。

    Both groups received the antipsychotics , but individual family intervention ( individual family psychosocial education and cognitive behavioral therapy ) were only given to the intervention group , and general supportive psychotherapy were given to control group .

  23. 方法在内科常规治疗的同时,应用支持性心理治疗对干预组一些不恰当认知的进行纠正,应用心理测验量表对照观察治疗两周。

    Method The supportive psychotherapy and the cognitive procedure therapy were employed to treat the patients with CHD . Two weeks later , the treatment was evaluated by the psychology test scale , and compared with the control group .

  24. 中晚期癌症病人支持性团体心理治疗的对照研究

    Contrasted study of supportive group psychotherapy for 68 patients with advanced cancer

  25. 原则上「调适障碍」以支持性的心理治疗为主,「重郁症」则可配合抗郁剂的使用。

    Supportive psychotherapy is mainly for adjustment disorder but it can also be a combined therapy for treating major depression .

  26. 结论:支持性心理行为治疗可有效改善和调节慢性精神分裂症患者的阴性症状、不良情绪和社会功能,促进患者近期心理康复和重返社会。

    CONCLUSION : Supporting psycho-behavior therapy may effectively improve and regulate the negative symptoms , bad emotion and social function of patients with chronic schizophrenia and accelerate their recent psychological rehabilitation and return to the society .