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zhī gōu
  • Zhigou
支沟[zhī gōu]
  1. 方法:将大鼠随机分为5组,假手术组、缺血-再灌注模型组、针刺内关治疗组、针刺郄门治疗组、针刺支沟对照组。

    Methods Rats were randomly divided into 5 groups , sham-operation group , ischemia-reperfusion model group , Neiguan acupuncture group , Ximen acupuncture group and Zhigou acupuncture group .

  2. 利用格子Boltzmann方法,将支沟中泥石流视为一种宾汉体,主河中清水视为一种外力,建立格子Boltzmann模型,对入汇角为90°的情况进行了模拟。

    On the assumption that the debris flow is the Bingham body and the water in primary river is a external force , the lattice Boltzmann model is set up .

  3. 实测电导率及TDS随经度增加(向河流下游)变化不明显,仅在米林-林芝段有融雪水汇入导致该处主要流域及支沟流域实测电导率及TDS明显降低。

    The measured increase in conductivity and TDS with the longitude ( to the river downstream ) did not change significantly , only in Millin-Nyingchi with import snowmelt caused the sections of the main basin and tributary basin where the measured conductivity and TDS decreased significantly .

  4. (铸床的)铁水支沟车床的床身是用铸铁做的。

    The lathe bed is made of cast iron .

  5. 支沟中泻溜的分布状况与主沟分布状况十分相似。

    The distribution in tributary gullies is quite similar to that in main gullies .

  6. 针刺支沟穴与非穴激活不同脑区的功能磁共振成像比较

    An fMRI Cerebral Functional imaging Comparison On Needling in Zhigou ( SJ6 ) vs a Sham Point

  7. 支沟纵坡陡,沟内的砂岩、泥页岩岩体受多期不同方向构造应力作用而破碎、滑坡、崩坍发育,有形成泥石流条件。

    Gradient of branch gullys are steep . Sandstone and shale in gullys are broken under structure stress fields of several periods and different directions .

  8. 治疗组采用中药贴剂外敷神阙、天枢、关元,对照组针刺天枢、支沟、曲池、内庭。

    Treatment Group adopts Chinese medicine sticking on Shenque , Tianshu , Guanyuan , with Control Group adopts acupuncture , treating on Zhigou , Quchi , Neiting .

  9. 本研究成果可用于盲肠河段、水库支沟,湖泊出口异重流及盐水楔入侵等的水力和泥沙计算。

    The results apply to the hydraulic and sediment calculation of desity current in caecum reach , branch of reservoir , outlet of lake and saline wedge .

  10. 应用一维水沙数学模型对东一支沟沙棘植物柔性坝的拦沙效应进行了模拟。

    The effect of sediment retention of seabuckthorn flexible dam in east one branch gully was successfully simulated by using of one dimension flow and sediment mathematical model .

  11. 当支沟泥石流输入主河的泥沙量小于主河的输沙量时,主河河床将下切,并逐渐恢复山区性河流的特征。

    The main channel bed will scour if sediment amount from tributary debris is less than that the main stream can carry and the river evolution exhibits the characteristic of mountainous rivers .

  12. 脑膜中动脉的眶支沟的出现率为82.0±3.8%.此沟延至眶上裂或脑膜眶孔。

    The groove of the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery is present in 82 / 100 ( 82 . 0 3 . 8 % ) . It passes to the SOF or to the FMO .

  13. 坝址区上游右岸大渡河一级支沟&响水沟于2009年7月暴发的大规模泥石流,造成一定人员伤亡和财产损失。

    Xiangshui Gully is a right branch of the Dadu River at the upper river of the dam area , where a debris flow broke out in July , 2009 that caused a certain casualties and property loss .

  14. 巴朗沟位于四川西部大雪山与大渡河之间,是大渡河的一条重要支沟,且位于横断山区的腹心地带。

    The Balang Valley , an important branch of the Dadu River , which located between Daxue Mountians and Dadu River , in west Sichuan . In large spatial scale , the valley was also situated in Hengduan Mountain zone .

  15. 通过对潜在污染源及地下水防污性能的分析,研究区污染源的的主要分布地段、地下水防污性能较弱的地段以及污染比较严重的地段均为延河河谷区及其各大支沟的沟谷区。

    The potential sources of contamination and groundwater vulnerability analysis , the study area source of pollution in the main distribution area , groundwater vulnerability weak lots and lots of serious pollution for Yanhe valley area and its major branch gully ravine area .

  16. 二是在支毛沟修筑沙坝,拦蓄径流,下游缩河造田,目流灌溉,并利用提灌,就近在固定或半固定沙地形成沙漠绿洲;

    Building sand dam in small gully to block the runoff , changing the river bed into farmland in the lower reaches , irrigating by gravity and by pumping water to form oasis in fixed or semi-fixed sandy land ;

  17. 在实地调查的基础上,将陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区乡村聚落划分为河谷平原型、坡麓台地型、支毛沟型及墚峁坡型等4种类型。

    On uhe basis of field survey , it is compartmentalized that the rural settlements in the loess hill-gully area of Northern Shaanxi province into 4 types : river plain type , slope foot-mesa type , small gully type and Liang-Mao slope type .

  18. 把底槽支到机台沟的四角上。

    The under cover should rest on the four corners of the machine table groove .

  19. 结果显示:扣带沟缘支和外侧沟后升支是识别中央沟的标志,若出现壁间回则更易识别中央沟;

    The results showed that marginal ramus of cingulate sulcus and posterior ascending ramus of lateral sulcus are the landmarks for recognition of central sulcus .

  20. 把底槽支到机台沟的四角上。扩大前颅底入路显微手术切除前颅底鼻窦沟通瘤

    The under cover should rest on the four corners of the machine table groove . Microsurgical treatment of tumors of anterior skull base by extended anterior subcranial approach

  21. 本文从详实的现场调查资料着手,对危岩体的危害性进行了详细的分析、计算论证,并提出了具体的拦截、支挡和镶补沟缝等切实可行的防治措施。

    Based on the detailed data of field investigation , the detailed analysis , calculation and demonstration for the harmfulness of dangerous rock massive are carried out , ant two feasible controlling measures , interception and support as well as mounting the fractures , are presented .