- Zhigou

Methods Rats were randomly divided into 5 groups , sham-operation group , ischemia-reperfusion model group , Neiguan acupuncture group , Ximen acupuncture group and Zhigou acupuncture group .
On the assumption that the debris flow is the Bingham body and the water in primary river is a external force , the lattice Boltzmann model is set up .
The measured increase in conductivity and TDS with the longitude ( to the river downstream ) did not change significantly , only in Millin-Nyingchi with import snowmelt caused the sections of the main basin and tributary basin where the measured conductivity and TDS decreased significantly .
The lathe bed is made of cast iron .
The distribution in tributary gullies is quite similar to that in main gullies .
An fMRI Cerebral Functional imaging Comparison On Needling in Zhigou ( SJ6 ) vs a Sham Point
Gradient of branch gullys are steep . Sandstone and shale in gullys are broken under structure stress fields of several periods and different directions .
Treatment Group adopts Chinese medicine sticking on Shenque , Tianshu , Guanyuan , with Control Group adopts acupuncture , treating on Zhigou , Quchi , Neiting .
The results apply to the hydraulic and sediment calculation of desity current in caecum reach , branch of reservoir , outlet of lake and saline wedge .
The effect of sediment retention of seabuckthorn flexible dam in east one branch gully was successfully simulated by using of one dimension flow and sediment mathematical model .
The main channel bed will scour if sediment amount from tributary debris is less than that the main stream can carry and the river evolution exhibits the characteristic of mountainous rivers .
The groove of the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery is present in 82 / 100 ( 82 . 0 3 . 8 % ) . It passes to the SOF or to the FMO .
Xiangshui Gully is a right branch of the Dadu River at the upper river of the dam area , where a debris flow broke out in July , 2009 that caused a certain casualties and property loss .
The Balang Valley , an important branch of the Dadu River , which located between Daxue Mountians and Dadu River , in west Sichuan . In large spatial scale , the valley was also situated in Hengduan Mountain zone .
The potential sources of contamination and groundwater vulnerability analysis , the study area source of pollution in the main distribution area , groundwater vulnerability weak lots and lots of serious pollution for Yanhe valley area and its major branch gully ravine area .
Building sand dam in small gully to block the runoff , changing the river bed into farmland in the lower reaches , irrigating by gravity and by pumping water to form oasis in fixed or semi-fixed sandy land ;
On uhe basis of field survey , it is compartmentalized that the rural settlements in the loess hill-gully area of Northern Shaanxi province into 4 types : river plain type , slope foot-mesa type , small gully type and Liang-Mao slope type .
The under cover should rest on the four corners of the machine table groove .
The results showed that marginal ramus of cingulate sulcus and posterior ascending ramus of lateral sulcus are the landmarks for recognition of central sulcus .
The under cover should rest on the four corners of the machine table groove . Microsurgical treatment of tumors of anterior skull base by extended anterior subcranial approach
Based on the detailed data of field investigation , the detailed analysis , calculation and demonstration for the harmfulness of dangerous rock massive are carried out , ant two feasible controlling measures , interception and support as well as mounting the fractures , are presented .