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guān chōng
  • Jing-Well point Guanchong
关冲[guān chōng]
  1. 针刺关冲对急性缺氧小鼠能量代谢的影响

    Effects of Guanchong with Acupuncture on Metabolism of Energy in Acute Hypoxia Mice

  2. “关了车冲出来呀!”

    " Shut down your machines and come and join us !"

  3. “她们明天来冲厂,拦人,我们就关了车冲出去!”

    " When they come round and burst into the factory tomorrow , we 'll down tools and March out !"

  4. 他砰地一声把门关上,气冲冲地走了。

    He slammed the door and went off in high dudgeon .