
  1. 迈向FANS的关键一步&实现GPS/RNP/ADS能力

    A Key Step toward FANS - Implementing the GPS / RNP / ADS Capabilities

  2. 加入WTO是我国经济融入世界经济体系的关键一步,也是经济全球化的重要进展。

    Entry to WTO is the most key pace for China going to World Economy System , and also is the important progress of Economy Globalization .

  3. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)计划最迟于明年初扩大太阳能电池板的生产。该公司借此将迈出关键一步,力求将可再生能源领域的初始投资转变成价值数十亿美元的业务。

    General Electric aims to ramp up production of solar power panels by early next year in a crucial step in the company 's bid to transform its initial investments in the renewable energy field into a multibillion-dollar business .

  4. 随着WTO准入的完成,我国大部分企业均面临如何增强自身的核心竞争力的问题,组建企业集团正是向增强自身核心竞争力跨出的关键一步。

    With China s entry into WTO , the majority of Chinese enterprises are facing the issue of how to reinforce their core competitiveness , whose crucial step is no other than the establishment of industrial groups .

  5. 同时有一个不那么引人注意的消息:Facebook放弃了自己的虚拟货币FacebookCredits,转而使用当地货币定价,这其实是Facebook向提供全方位在线付款功能迈进的关键一步。

    What has attracted less coverage is that it soon will be dropping Facebook credits in favor of local currency pricing & a vital step towards offering full-service payment functionality online .

  6. 去除塑料包封层,露出芯片表面,是DPA(破坏性物理分析)及FA(失效分析)的关键一步。

    It is a crucial step for destructive physical analysis ( DPA ) and failure analysis ( FA ) to remove the plastic package for the die exposing .

  7. 这封信将帮助启动imf对欧元区国家的首次纾困,标志着希腊迈出了从其欧元区伙伴国和总部设在华盛顿的imf引入资金的关键一步。

    The letter , which would help set in motion the first bail-out of a eurozone country by the IMF , marks a key step towards Greece drawing down funds from its eurozone partners and the Washington-based body .

  8. 而亚马逊决定成为AWS的首批客户之一,这关键一步意味着自家的零售业务将完全依赖AWS。

    And Amazon decided to make itself one of the first customers , in a key step that meant its own retail operations would be completely reliant on AWS .

  9. 苏格兰皇家银行还计划在今年年底前将其在美国零售银行Citizens中的权益削减至30%以下,这是将其资本比率提高至12%的目标之上的关键一步——苏格兰皇家银行去年让Citizens上了市。

    The bank also aims to cut its stake in Citizens , the US retail lender it floated last year , below 30 per cent by the end of the year - a key step to lift RBS 's capital ratio above its target of 12 per cent .

  10. 莫斯科&正在协助一家俄罗斯国有能源企业进行北冰洋石油和天然气勘探的埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil),上周末迈出了推进这一合作计划的关键一步。

    MOSCOW & Exxon Mobil , which is assisting a Russian state energy company in exploring the Arctic Ocean for oil and natural gas , took a pivotal step to further this project over the weekend .

  11. 这是为了成为灵活的企业而迈出的关键一步。

    This is an essential step toward becoming an agile enterprise .

  12. 这是走向未来的一小步,但却是关键一步。

    It 's a small , but crucial step for the future .

  13. 服务质量评价:图书馆全面质量管理的关键一步

    Evaluation of Service Quality : the Key Step of TQM in a Library

  14. 蛋白结构的测定是我们从基因组信息窥探生命信息的关键一步。

    To determine the protein structure is the key step of life science .

  15. 此次选举被看做是使具有军方背景的临时政府合法化的关键一步。

    The election was seen as key to legitimizing the military-backed interim government .

  16. 剩下的关键一步是在海上测试整个系统。

    The key remaining step is a test of the entire system at sea .

  17. 数据关联是多目标解模糊的关键一步。

    Data association is an important step in ambiguity resolution in multiple target environment .

  18. 自信是你迈出成功的关键一步!

    Self-confidence is the crucial step to success .

  19. 这代表着在确保我们公共安全和国家安全上迈出了关键一步。

    This represents a crucial step toward ensuring our public safety and national security .

  20. 费舍尔的到来是构成拼图的关键一步。

    The coming on-board of Derek Fisher was a critical piece in the puzzle .

  21. 安排一家清算行是发展离岸人民币业务的关键一步。

    Opening a clearing bank is a critical step in developing an offshore yuan-based business .

  22. 这是该研究院为实现大量繁殖转基因动物计划而迈出的关键一步。

    This was a necessary step in the institute 's plan to mass-produce transgenic animals .

  23. 而合作双方都将这一概念视作迈向“智能制造”的关键一步。

    Both sides see the concept as a key step towards " smart manufacturing . "

  24. 可以说,解决危机的关键一步是就危机的本质达成一致。

    Arguably , the crucial step is to agree on the nature of the illness .

  25. 向社会主义市场经济的转型,是中国特色社会主义建设的关键一步。

    Transition to socialist market economy is a crucial step of building socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  26. 这不仅仅是一种无私的情怀,更是通往成功的关键一步。

    This is not just altruistic sentiment but a critical part of the formula for success .

  27. 在电机轴承制造的诸多工序中,对成品轴承的清洗是保证轴承质量的最后一步,也是关键一步。

    The cleaning of bearings is the last and important process to guarantee the quality of bearings .

  28. 这是英美烟草公司进军戒烟和“减害”领域的关键一步。

    That is a big step for bat into the field of smoking cessation and " harm-reduction " .

  29. 这是在全球层面上认识这一问题的严重性和本质的关键一步。

    This is a key step in understanding the magnitude and nature of the problem at a global level .

  30. 木质素是第二天然聚合物,木质素的降解是碳素循环中的关键一步。

    Lignin is the second natural polymer . The biodegradation of lignin is the key step of carbon recycling .