
  1. 天亮前不死军就会包围我们,温泉关会被破

    By morning , the lmmortals will surround us . The Hot Gates will fall .

  2. 由于器件在过零时被关断会降低关断时间,所以双向晶闸管和SCR通常用于交流控制。

    AC control is a normal application for triacs and SCRs because the turnoff time is decreased when the device is switched off during a zero-crossing .

  3. 每一关都会有不同的道具,这会使游戏变得更有乐趣。

    Each level contains special bonuses , which improves the game bring more fun .

  4. 毕竟空关只会给房东带来额外的支出。

    After all , an empty unit might put extra burden on the pocket of the landlord .

  5. 此外,在准备蔬菜时,关女士会尽可能留下可食用的部分,这样也减少了浪费。

    While prepping vegetables , she tries to make use of as much as the edible parts as possible , in an effort to minimize waste .

  6. 欧元区解体恐慌已经消散,召开生死攸关峰会的日子也已成为过去。然而,通缩阴云正笼罩在欧元区上空,该地区的地缘政治环境也处于极不稳定的状态。

    The fear of a euro break-up has gone , and the days of make-or-break summits are over . But now the spectre of deflation haunts a highly unstable geopolitical climate .

  7. 总的来说,关井会严重地影响气矿和用气单位的生产,如果专门为获得平均地层压力而关井,其代价太大。

    At all events , shut-in of gas wells would seriously affect the producer and the consumer , and it would mean too high a cost just for taking the average formation pressure .

  8. 我关上窗户会有人介意吗?

    Would anyone mind if I closed the window ?

  9. 想象一下,你在办公室干活时就像是在玩《糖果粉碎传奇》(CandyCrushSaga),你的每一项专业努力都会被严谨地追踪,并给出分数,每打一关,都会因为表现卓越获得奖品。

    Imagine if at the office you were made to feel like you were playing ' Candy Crush Saga . ' Envision that every one of your professional endeavors was meticulously tracked and measured in points , that there were levels to complete and you were given prizes for excellence .

  10. 你不知道一个人被关起来以后会怎么样。

    You don 't know what that do when you are locked away .

  11. 要是把一个食人族和满屋子律师关在一起会怎么样?答:食人族会饿死。

    What would happen if you lock a cannibal in a room full of lawyers ? A : he would starve to death .

  12. 在将食物残渣扔进垃圾袋前,关女士一定会将其中的水分沥干,她还会将食材分成若干小份,确保每餐只吃需要的份量并做到光盘。

    She makes sure to strain all the liquid out of leftover food before throwing it away . She also separates fresh produce and other food items into smaller portions so that only the required amount of ingredients are used up per meal .

  13. 如果把窗户关上,你会热死的。

    If you closed the windows you baked

  14. 爱情就像地震&无法预知,有点让人害怕,但平安度过这一关后,你会发现你实际上是多么幸运。摘自ChinaDaily。

    Love is like an earthquake-unpredictable , a little scary , but when the hard part is over you realize how lucky you truly are .

  15. 我们把这里关起来,谁会怀疑什么呢?

    Who is gonna surprised when we shut this dump down ?

  16. 如果你关上门,嗓音会小些。

    If you close the door , the noise will decrease .

  17. 在警察局的班房里关上几个小时会使他平静下来。

    A few hours in a police cell should cool him off .

  18. 他们可能不会把我关起来,但是会要罚我款。

    They probably wouldn 't imprison me but they would fine me .

  19. 关上窗户这里会很热

    It 's extremely hot in here with the windows closed

  20. 有时候,我会想那些有钱人在关上门后都会说些什么?

    I have sometimes wondered what the truly rich talk about behind closed doors .

  21. “如果我们把猫关起来,它会比较容易捉。”

    " If we box in the cat , it will be easier to catch . "

  22. 要过好几何入门关,必须做到会表达、会翻译、会画图、会识图、会应用。

    In order to pass the entrance to geometry , expression , translation , recognition of chart and application should be mastered .

  23. 亲爱的朋友,请记住这句话一扇门关上了上帝会为你打开另一扇窗。

    Dear friends , remember these words & This door is closed for you , God will open another window instead of it !