
dà qián
  • big money;large sum of money;large copper coins;an old Chinese coin of low denomination;bigger coin;high-denominated banknotes
大钱 [dà qián]
  • (1) [bigger coin]∶旧时的一种铜钱,较普遍铜钱大,价值也比普通铜钱高

  • 价目是大钱十二千。--鲁迅《祝福》

  • (2) [high-denominated banknotes]∶面额较大的钞票

  • (3) [large sum of money]∶数额较大的钱款

大钱[dà qián]
  1. 那歌手现在可赚大钱了。

    The singer earns a colossal amount of money .

  2. 你想要最好的,就得花大钱。

    If you want the best , you have to pay top dollar .

  3. 商店赚大钱,而吃亏的是顾客。

    While the stores make big profits , it 's the customer who loses out .

  4. 他们在赚大钱。

    They were earning big money .

  5. 他们做这事就是为了迅速赚大钱。

    They were just in it to make a quick buck .

  6. 他在60年代才开始挣大钱。

    He started earning serious money only in the sixties .

  7. 他们在战争期间开始赚大钱。

    They began to make big money during the war .

  8. 如果这场危机让油价居高不下的话,仍然有可能赚大钱。

    Big money could still be made if the crisis keeps oil prices high

  9. 他们在这笔交易上赚了大钱。

    They have made a killing on the deal .

  10. 他本可以当律师挣大钱的。

    He could have made a fortune as a lawyer

  11. 超市可能都在赚大钱。

    The supermarkets may be making whacking profits .

  12. 罚款对挣大钱的人来说无关紧要。

    Fines are meaningless to guys earning millions .

  13. 现在他可以开始挣他一直梦寐以求的大钱了。

    Now he can begin to earn the sort of mega-bucks he has always dreamed about .

  14. 如果不是为了冒险赚大钱,人们不会像这样彼此残杀。

    People don 't just knock one another off like this unless there 's big money at stake .

  15. 如果你有幸成为其中一个被选中参加表演的来电者,就可能会赚大钱。

    If you are one of the lucky callers chosen to play , you could be in the money .

  16. 你买那些古玩得花大钱。

    You 'll have to pay through the nose for those curios .

  17. 我失去了一个赚大钱的极好机会。

    I missed a golden chance to make a lot of money .

  18. 他可算是藏龙卧虎:赚大钱,但没人知道。

    He 's a bit of a dark horse : he was earning a fortune , but nobody knew .

  19. 我站在他面前,脑袋都快炸了,努力解释为什么会有给妈妈买套房子和赚大钱的梦想,让他对我失望。

    I stood before him with my head banging , trying to think of the words that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his disappointment in me .

  20. 她真的是有做任何事都能赚大钱的能力,因为不论她为哪家公司工作,一旦上岗就能创下很高的收益。

    She definitely1 has the Midas touch , because every company she works2 for always makes a lot of money after she starts working there .

  21. 他对自己成功的定义不只是得到成功--你知道,赚大钱、有车那些--因为他能对这世界有所贡献。

    He would define his own success as not just , like , making it , you know , having money , cars , because he has something to offer in this world .

  22. 如果你是那种不能理解为什么有人会花大钱购买游戏皮肤这种数字资产的人,那么萨尔瓦多·加劳的非实物雕塑将会让你脑洞大开。

    If you 're one of those people who just can 't understand how someone can pay large sums of money for digital assets like video game skins , then the sale of Salvatore Garau 's immaterial sculpture is really going to do a number on your brain .

  23. 安迪:我希望他能干一些有趣的事,如挣大钱的演员或网络公司的CEO什么的。

    Andy : I hope something interesting like a highly overpaid actor or a dot-com CEO .

  24. 与其它大公司一样,微软也有既有文化和既得利益集团,特别是负责Office和Windows等赚大钱产品的部门。

    Like other large companies , Microsoft has an established culture and entrenched interests , notably the product groups in charge of big money-spinners such as Office and Windows .

  25. Twitter首发上市的过程中,华尔街再次向花了大钱的客户透露了一些独家信息,其他人听到的则是另外一套说辞。

    Once again , Wall Street is telling its Top-Paying clients one thing , and the rest of us are getting a different story .

  26. Liang表示:过去10至12年间在中国赚了大钱的人正在向国外转移资金。

    People who made a lot of money in the last 10-12 years in China are looking to cash out , says Mr Liang .

  27. 先贿赂重要官员,再花大钱买下CD刻录机等等,这家工厂预计每个月可赚一百万美金左右。

    After bribing key officials and plunking down cash for CD duplication machines and such , the plant can expect to take in about US $ 1 million each month .

  28. 投资热浪和新财富将硅谷的房价推高到了惊人的水平:最近,有一栋房子被以1亿美元的价格销售给了一位投资Facebook赚到大钱的俄罗斯风险投资家。

    The sizzle and new wealth has pushed Valley real estate to startling heights ; one home recently sold for $ 100m to a Russian venture capitalist who had amassed a Facebook fortune .

  29. •付费应用程序在Android上能赚到大钱:“目前来看,《心之战役》在Android平台上的日收益与iOS平台相当接近,能达到后者80%水平。”

    • paid apps can make good money on Android : " daily revenue from battleheart on Android is fairly close , within 80 % , of its IOS counterpart at the moment . "

  30. 在一个报纸调查发现一些高级研究员从其他公司转了大钱之后,美国国家健康研究所(NIH)禁止了其职员为企业做顾问工作。

    Five years ago after a scandal erupted over employees who were consulting for drug companies , the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) banned most such relationships by in-house scientists .