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  • 网络Large Leaf;Astilboides tabularis;Huge leaf
  1. 它的大叶子往往带点紫色。

    Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint

  2. 有大叶子的附生蕨类植物;分布在台湾和菲律宾。

    Epiphytic fern with large fronds ; Taiwan and Philippines .

  3. 大多数棕榈树顶部都有一束大叶子。

    Most palms have a bunch of large leaves at the top .

  4. 在天热时,橡树的大叶子提供了令人舒适的树荫。

    On a warm day , the grand leaves of an oak offer pleasant shade .

  5. 它躲在一片大叶子下面。

    He hides under a big leaf .

  6. 沙漠太干燥了,大叶子植物不适合在那里生长。

    It is too dry for the plants with bigger leaves to grow in the desert .

  7. 他们猛一击拳,就装起窗子来,黄色的大叶子做百叶窗,可是玫瑰花呢?

    With a blow of their fists they made windows , and large yellow leaves were the blinds .

  8. 耐寒的落叶藤蔓植物,有大叶子,有弯曲的萼筒。

    Hardy deciduous vine having large leaves and flowers with the calyx tube curved like the bowl of a pipe .

  9. 泻根属卷须状藤蔓植物,有大叶子和小花,其辛辣的汁液有催吐和催泻作用。

    A tendril-bearing vine of the genus Bryonia having large leaves and small flowers and yielding acrid juice with emetic and purgative properties .

  10. 它哆嗦着想去寻找一片大叶子作食物,但是它找啊找,可是什么也没找到。

    He shivered and looked for a great leaf for food . But although he searched and searched he could not find a thing .

  11. 在29号虎片中可以看到,一个有三片大叶子的小树枝紧帖在大老虎尾巴后面伸展出来,向右后走行,到达老虎的臀部。

    A small stem with three large leaves extends immediately behind the tiger 's tail , running backwards and right to the tiger 's hip , is observable in photo No.29 ( Fig.1 ) .

  12. 在上面盖上干净的纸或者大的叶子。

    Cover them with clean paper or large leaves .

  13. 北美的一种植物,具有大的叶子和黄绿色、呈总状花序的花;产生一种被用作药物的、有毒的生物碱。

    North American plant having large leaves and yellowish green flowers growing in racemes ; yields a toxic alkaloid used medicinally .

  14. 维多利亚大水莲的叶子,莲子及莲子淀粉对双歧杆菌增殖作用的影响

    Proliferation effect of lotus-seed and lotus-seed starch on bifidobacterium

  15. 暴风雨中闪电大作.叶子在雨中湿淋淋的闪闪生光。

    Lightning flashed during the storm . The leaves glistened wetly in the rain .

  16. 用一把有锯齿的刀子,从存活的植株上切下一片大的芦荟叶子。

    Using a serrated knife , cut a large aloe vera leaf from a living plant .

  17. 高大常绿锥形树种产于南美和澳大利亚带有厚大坚韧的叶子;在一些分类中包括松科。

    Tall evergreen cone-bearing trees of South America and Australia with broad leathery leaves ; in some classifications included in the Pinaceae .

  18. 大而平的叶子,使用方法同细香葱。

    Large flat leaves used as chive is used .

  19. 墨西哥或西印度群岛的一种植物,具有大而多肉的叶子;结坚韧的纤维,用于制作绳索之类。

    Mexican or West Indian plant with large fleshy leaves yielding a stiff fiber used in e.g. rope .

  20. 南非的大型灌木,有许多超群的多毛的分枝和大的多毛的叶子和丛生的显著的白花。

    Large shrub of South Africa having many conspicuously hairy branches with large hairy leaves and clusters of conspicuous white flowers .

  21. 北美洲的木藤植物,有大的椭圆形的叶子和小白花,结紫色至蓝黑色果实。

    A woody vine of eastern North America having large oval leaves and small white flowers and purple to blue-black fruits .

  22. 花叶万年青一种植物,花叶万年青属,原产于热带美洲,有结实的节茎和大的多样化的叶子,可做为室内植物栽培。

    Any of several plants of the genus Dieffenbachia native to tropical america , having stout , jointed stems and large , variegated leaves and widely cultivated as an indoor plant .