
  1. 大件货物顶升平移系统卸船技术的研究

    Research on Ship Unloading Technology for Heavy Cargoes Lift and Slippage System

  2. 重特大件货物驳运的安全控制

    Safe Control of Barging of Heavy and Large Goods

  3. 关于铁路大件货物运输发展的探讨

    Discussion on Developing Railway Large Goods Transportation

  4. 随着大型工程的不断出现,大件货物的运单数量也越来越多。

    With the continual emergence of large-scale projects , the numbers of large-cargo transportation are also increasing .

  5. 最大有效载荷为22磅,这意味着它不能承载大件货物。

    The maximum payload is 22 pounds , meaning that big items would not be able to get airborne .

  6. 我国的大件货物运输不论是车辆装备、技术水平还是行业管理经验等都有待于进一步的提高。

    In China , the large vehicles , equipments , technology and managing experience are needed to be further improved .

  7. 超重货物是近些年来随着铁路大件货物运输量增加而提出的一个新概念。

    Over weight freight is a new concept which was proposed with the volume of the large goods increased in recent years .

  8. 目前,在大件货物运输过程中,企业多以长期积累的经验为指导,这对公路大件货物运输的安全及公路大件货物运输的发展都十分的不利。

    Currently , enterprises depend the experience to transport the large-cargoes , which is very unfavorable for the safety and development of large-cargo transportation .

  9. 重量超过20公吨或体积超过12x2.7x3米的每件大件货物的外形包装草图;

    Overall packing sketch for each large piece exceeding twenty ( 20 ) metric tons in weight or 12 x 2.7 x 3 meters in measurement ;

  10. 因此,如何科学、合理的对大件货物运输进行安全综合评价,确保大件货物运输安全是当前的一个重要问题。

    Therefore , how to carry on the safety comprehensive evaluation scientifically and rationally to ensure the safety of the bulky cargo transportation is an important problem .

  11. 适用于长型物料、大件货物、板材等,广泛应用于建筑业、管材业、木材加工业和钢材配送中心。

    Applicable to long goods or goods of large volume or plates etc and widely used in building industry , tubing industry , woodcraft and distribution of steel materials .

  12. 随着国家大型工程建设项目的陆续开展,对大型重型设备需求的数量也在迅速的增长,这使得大件货物的运输研究显得尤为重要。

    Along with the construction of large projects carried out , the rapid growth of a large number of heavy equipment made Overweight / Oversize cargo transportation very important .

  13. 半潜船就是应国际航运市场的需求而生的一种新型船舶,主要用于装运不可分割的超大件货物,因此具有很强的市场竞争力。

    Semi-submersible vessel is a new type of vessel for the demand of international shipping market , it has a strong market competition for it can carry indiscerptible super large cargo .

  14. 近年来,随着我国电力、能源和化工等一些大型的工业项目的发展,往往需要将项目所需的一些大型设备或者物件(即大件货物)无损地从生产地运输到目的地。

    Recently , with the development of large-scale industrial projects , such as electricity , energy and chemical industrial , some large-scale equipments or objects ( that bulky goods ) are needed lossless transport from the production base to the destination .

  15. 论文第六章则对大件货物运输的加固方案进行了可靠度安全分析,并举例论述分析过程。

    In Chapter VI , the major safety standards of security issues have been discussed to analyze the safety of transportation program . In Chapter VI , reliability of large-cargo reinforcement program is discussed , and an example is made to expound the analysis process .