
  • 网络goat
  1. 大山羊后面跟着一只小山羊。

    The goat was followed by a kid .

  2. 长成一只大山羊。

    To be a billy goat .

  3. 大山羊好像无心恋战,身子一扭,丢下我们朝山上奔去。

    The goat turns back and runs towards the top of the mountain without us just like it doesn 't want to fight against the wolves .

  4. 大祭司把山羊献在祭坛上。

    The high priest sacrificed the goat on the altar .

  5. 20世纪90年代,科学家们在大鼠和山羊身上进行试验,他们故意损伤或去除了不同的大脑部位,然后研究麻醉剂的作用发生了怎样的改变。

    In the 1990s , scientists ran tests on rats and goats , studying how the effects of anesthetics changed as different parts of the brain were intentionally damaged or removed .

  6. 均能凝集公鸡、豚鼠、兔、大白鼠、山羊等动物红细胞,对小白鼠红细胞的凝集性有所不同,均不凝集牛和猪红细胞;

    Erythrocytes of cock , guinea pig , rabbit , big white rat , small white mouse andgoatcan be agglomerated by the isolates , while erythrocytes of cattle and pig can not be agglomerated .

  7. 用来保护乡村公墓的山羊的大尖角,因为山羊的大尖角在土库曼斯坦被认为是神圣不可侵犯的。

    Huge horns from mountain goats , considered sacred , protecting tombs in village cemetery .

  8. 喜玛拉雅有大的螺旋状角的大山羊。

    Himalayan giant large Himalayan goat with large spiraled horns .