
  • 网络David IV of Georgia
  1. 大卫四世军事改革后,蒙纳斯帕部队成为格鲁吉亚军队中坚力量。

    Monaspa-were the elite troops of the Georgian army after the reforms of " David IV the Builder "( 1089-1125 ) .

  2. 林西科姆已经在月光高尔夫巡回赛打了一场18洞的比赛,她参加了一个全是男性的领域,其中包括加拿大的天才大卫莫兰四世。

    Lincicome has already played an18-hole event on the Moonlight Golf Tour , where she took on an all-male field that included the talented Canadian , David Morland IV.