
  • 网络Point index;vertex degree
  1. 一类平面n次系统高阶奇点指数的计算方法

    Calculation method about high step singular point index of a type plane n _degree systems

  2. 临界点指数与约束临界点指数关于控制系统临界点和奇点的探讨

    Critical point index and its controlling The Discussions on Critical Point and Singularity

  3. 色散方程的两层四点指数型显格式

    A two-level four-point explicit difference schemes of the exponential type for dispersion equation

  4. 应用外周血淋巴细胞培养及染色体制备技术对阿勒泰大尾羊染色体核型进行了研究,并测量了各染色体所相对长度和着丝点指数;

    The karyotype of Altay Sheep was studied with the techniques of peripheral lymphocytes culture and chromosome preparation .

  5. 还给出一些有高阶劳厄区的电子衍射谱的实例,图上零阶和高阶的各班点指数均由计算机自动标定。

    Some examples are given in which the electron diffraction patterns with Nth order Laue zone are indexed automatically by computer .

  6. 结果表明,常染色体联会复合体的相对长度和着丝点指数与体细胞染色体的相应参数具有很好的吻合性。

    It is shown that the mean relative lengths and centromeric indices of autosomal SCs agree closely with those of mitotic chromosomes .

  7. 文章通过变换,得出关于孤立高次奇点及无穷远点指数分解结论。

    Through transforming , some conclusions are given about decomposing index number at higher order isolated singular point and infinite point in this paper .

  8. 最长与最短染色体比值变化较大,为2.78~3.20;平均臂比、着丝点指数、核型不对称系数、相对长度变化范围较小。

    The ratio of the longest chromosome to the shortest range in2.78 ~ 3.20.And index , index of karyotypic asymmetry and relatived length changed indistinctly .

  9. 论述了从经过预处理的人体染色体图像中提取染色体中轴、计算染色体长度、着丝点指数和带纹特征的方法。

    This paper relates the method of extracting Chromosome medial-axis-line , calculating the length of Chromosome , calculating the centromeric index and density profile from human Chromosome images .

  10. 并根据前10对染色体相对长度、臂比值及着丝点指数的测量结果,与已公布的其它地方鸡品种进行了比较。

    The result of measured relative lengths , arm ratios and centromeric indexes of the first 10 pairs of chromosomes were compared among other published reports of Chinese native chicken species .

  11. 采用模糊C均值聚类方法对退火生产数据进行处理,再基于得到的聚类数据点进行指数最小二乘回归。

    Fuzzy C-means algorithm is used to cluster the production data in batch annealing process , then the exponent least square algorithm is used to get the relationship between cooling time and weight of clusters .

  12. 目前的研究主要集中于建立点荷载指数与单轴压缩强度等指标的关系,而忽略了对其试验原理的分析,针对点荷载试件的破坏分析具有很重要的现实意义。

    Current research mainly focuses on the relationship between point load index and uniaxial compressive strength , ignoring the test analysis .

  13. 基于这一点,指数供应商正在设法估算应在基准中赋予中国证券多大的权重。

    With this in mind , index providers are now grappling with the weighting they should give to Chinese securities in benchmarks .

  14. 结论新设置的测量点及指数能够数据化描述颧部与面部其它部位骨性结构的相互关系。

    Conclusion The new measuring point and indexes can digitally describe the malar bone structure and its relationship with other facial bony structure .

  15. 分析了孤立平衡点的指数稳定性与平衡点连续体的半稳定性以及没有平衡点时系统的鲁棒性。

    The exponential stability of the isolated equilibrium , the semi-stability of the continuum of equilibriums , and the robustness of system with no equilibrium are investigated respectively .

  16. 该调查选择纽约作为基点城市,以100点作为指数,一共比较了200个项目,包括住房、交通、食物、服装、家居用品和娱乐支出。

    The survey uses New York as the base city with an index of100 points when comparing the cost of200 items , including housing , transport , food , clothing , household goods and entertainment .

  17. 用点荷载强度指数确定岩石三轴抗压强度及岩石C、φ值的探讨

    Studies on Determination of the triaxial compressive strength and c ,φ value of the rock by point-load strength index

  18. 二阶连续型Hopfield神经网络的平衡点及全局指数稳定性

    Globally exponential stability and equilibrium points for second order continuous Hopfield neural networks

  19. 并且对该系统的耗散性、平衡点、Lyapunov指数以及混沌吸引子进行分析,结果表明其具有丰富的动力学特性,有明显的超混沌特征。

    And we analyze the dissipation of the system , equilibrium , Lyapunov exponent and chaotic attractors . The results show that it has a rich dynamics and obvious characteristics of hyper-chaotic .

  20. 韩国的Kospi指数下跌0.7%,收于1601.38点,该指数周一曾升至13个月高点。

    In South Korea , Seoul 's Kospi fell 0.7 per cent from Monday 's 13-month high to end at 1, 601.38 .

  21. 本文采用Callaway的蒙特卡洛重整化群方案作出了二维三角点阵φ~4模型的重整化群流向图、固定点和临界指数。

    The Monte Carlo renormalization group method proposed by Callaway is applied to φ ~ 4 model on two dimensional triangle lattice .

  22. 利用傅立叶变换和动量空间重整化群变换的方法,研究了二维三角晶格上Gauss模型的相变和临界性质,求出了系统的临界点和临界指数。

    The content of this paper includes : 1 . Using the methods of Fourier transformation and moment-space renormalization group , we studied the critical behaviour of the Gauss model on a two-dimensional triangular lattice , the critical point and the critical exponents are calculated .

  23. 在Sierpinski镂垫上研究了外场作用下具有二体和三体自旋作用的Ising系统,求出了系统的临界点和临界指数。

    The main results of this thesis are as follows : 1 . The Ising system with two-spin interactions and triplet-spin interactions on the Sierpinski gasket is studied , and its critical point and critical exponents are obtained .

  24. 二阶神经网络较一般神经网络具有更快的收敛速度,对于二阶连续型Hopfield神经网络,用Lyapunov方法讨论平衡点的全局指数稳定性,给出了平衡点全局指数稳定的几个判别准则。

    The second order neural networks have faster convergence rate than the ordinary neural networks . Global exponential stability of equilibrium point for a class of second order Hopfield type neural networks is discussed by the Lyapunov method . Some criteria for global exponential stability of equilibrium point are obtained .

  25. 本章首先给出了两种计算点格局聚集指数的方法,K-function以及邻体距离抽样方法。

    The first concern in this chapter is to compute aggregation parameter which reflects the aggregation level of the spatial point pattern . Two new methods , K-function and distance sampling , are proposed .

  26. 结果心算、视觉保留、线条判断和数字筛选均在酒后0.5 ̄2.5h的时间点上能力指数有所下降,视简单反应时能力指数下降则延续至酒后5.5h;

    Results It was showed that the neurobehavioral ability index ( NAI ) of mental arithmetic , benton visual retention , length discrimination and digit cancel declined during 0.5 ~ 2.5 hours after drinking , the NAI of simple visual reaction time declined during 0.5 ~ 5.5 hours after drinking .

  27. 岩石试件尺寸对点荷载强度指数影响的研究&探讨点荷载标准强度指数修正公式

    Effecting of the rock sample size on the point load index sample test

  28. 道琼斯工业平均指数下降9点,纳斯达克指数小幅上涨。

    The Dow was down 9 points . The NASDAQ gained a fraction .

  29. 主要讨论了高阶齐次线性微分方程解取小函数的点的收敛指数。

    This paper begins with the convergence exponent of zeros and entire functions series .

  30. 主要的理论工具为椭圆曲线有理点群的指数和估计。

    Important tool in the proof is an estimate of character sums along elliptic curves .