
  1. 女性要同时扮演妻子、母亲和姐妹的角色。

    A woman is a wife , mother and sister .

  2. 他们屠杀了我的母亲和姐妹。

    They butcher my mother and my sister .

  3. 你们也有家人,母亲和姐妹。

    You have families and mothers and sisters .

  4. 塔利班,你们也有像我们一样的母亲和姐妹、政府。

    Taliban , you have mothers and sisters like us , the government too .

  5. 当时,母亲和姐妹同我们住在一起,帮助照看孩子。

    My mother and sister were staying with us and could look after the children .

  6. 这位教师说,他叫库马,他的母亲和姐妹死在逃离战区的逃亡之路上。

    His mother and sister died in the family 's escape from the combat zone .

  7. 周六的午后与母亲和姐妹一起度过,烘焙甜点。

    Spending time with my mom and sisters on a Saturday afternoon , baking sweets .

  8. 可是她非常感激,就让她母亲和姐妹们帮她给老先生做了一双拖鞋。

    But she was so grateful that she asked her mother and sisters to help her make the old gentleman a pair of slippers .

  9. 莱弗利的母亲和姐妹也被目击出现在小镇上,在这周早前两人还被目睹与奥斯卡提名影后贝特米德勒共进晚餐。

    Lively 's mother and sister were also spotted in town , and a source told PEOPLE that the two had dinner in Charleston with Bette Midler earlier in the weekend .

  10. 在一次对难民营的考察中,埃利斯听说了这样一件事:有一个小女孩为了养活她的母亲和姐妹,剪掉了头发,穿上男孩子的衣服,每天在市场上辛苦的工作。

    On one trip , Ellis heard of a girl who had cut off her hair , wore boy 's clothes and worked in a market to support her mother and sisters & just like the heroine in The Breadwinner .

  11. 尽管大家不会确认婚礼,很明显客人名单将包括玛丽的母亲和姐妹(达科里,从左,伊丽莎白•麦戈文、劳拉•卡迈克尔以及杰西卡•布朗芬)。

    Though Fellowes wouldn 't confirm the wedding , it 's evident that that the guest list will include Mary 's mother and sisters ( Dockery , from left , with Elizabeth McGovern , Laura Carmichael , and Jessica Brown Findlay ) .

  12. 结果女性月经不规律在患者母亲和姐妹中的发生率分别为37.4%和33.1%;男性早秃在患者父亲和兄弟中的发生率分别为19.4%和6.5%;

    Results The prevalence rates of irregular cycle among mothers and sisters with PCOS were 37.4 % and 33.1 % respectively , and the prevalence rates of premature balding among fathers and brothers of patients were 19.4 % and 6.5 % , respectively .

  13. 伊丽莎白正跟母亲和姐妹坐在一起,回想刚才所听到的那件事,决不定是否可以把它告诉大家,就在这时候,威廉·卢卡斯爵士来了。他是受了女儿的拜托,前来班府上宣布她订婚的消息。

    ELIZABETH was sitting with her mother and sisters , reflecting on what she had heard , and doubting whether she were authorised to mention it , when Sir William Lucas himself appeared , sent by his daughter to announce her engagement to the family .

  14. “我觉得是我们住的那个湿地的卫生有问题,”父亲说,“女人不去医院也一样可以顺利生产,就像我的母亲和姐妹们一样。我母亲就是这样生了十个孩子。”

    I think there was some problem with hygiene in that muddy place , " says my father . ' I assumed women could give birth without going to hospital , as my mother and my sisters had in the village . My mother gave birth to ten children in this way . "

  15. 这顿美餐是他母亲和他的姐妹们准备的。

    The feast was served by his mother and sisters

  16. 多年以来,我母亲和她的姐妹之间总有某种隔阂。

    For years , there has been a certain distance between my mother and her sisters .

  17. 约翰并不喜欢他母亲和他的姐妹,同时也憎恨我。

    John had not much affection for his mother and sisters , and an antipathy to me .

  18. 但不管我选择做什么,我的最终目的是要让母亲和兄弟姐妹们为我骄傲,不仅要为我在事业获得成功而骄傲,更要为我受人尊重而骄傲。

    But regardless of what I chose , I wanted to make my brothers , sisters and mom proud of me - not only by being successful in what I chose to do , but also as a person who could be looked up to for the right reasons .

  19. 父亲和母亲,兄弟和姐妹。

    Mothers and fathers , brothers and sisters .

  20. 克利姆特从来没有一个属于自己的家:他一直都与他母亲和两个姐妹生活。

    Klimt never had his own home : he lived with his mother and two sisters .

  21. A:其实Jane是我的表妹,我母亲和她母亲是姐妹。

    A : Actually , Jane is my cousin . Our moms are sisters .