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  • 网络base metal;Base Material;metal
  1. Al-Si钎料与母材的相互作用

    Interaction between A1-Si filler metal and base metal for aluminum brazing

  2. 同时通过疲劳试验确定了母材、焊缝及热影响区的Paris表达式,并得到疲劳裂纹门槛值。

    And the Paris formula of base metal , weld metal and HAZ are also given by fatigue experiment .

  3. 镁侧热影响区以Mg为主,Al元素向镁母材扩散很少。

    Magnesium side heat affect zone is mainly Mg element , and Al element is rarely diffused to magnesium base material .

  4. 焊接母材中的Al元素向焊缝发生了扩散,在界面区形成了一层很薄的反应层。

    The Al element in the substrate diffuses into the brazing seam , forming a thin reaction layer in the interface region .

  5. 激光焊接会造成Ni的蒸发使接头中Ni含量比母材低,从而影响接头的相变行为。

    The transformation behavior of the joint will be affected by the vaporization of Ni-content during the laser welding process .

  6. 快冷钎料中Si元素在母材中的扩散速度和深度都远高于普通铸态钎料。

    The diffuse speed and depth of Si element in rapid solidification brazing metal are higher than that in as-cast one .

  7. 在母材和焊缝中添加Cu、Ni、Mo元素对焊接区耐选择性腐蚀是有效果的。

    To add Cu 、 Ni 、 Mo elements to base metal and weld metal is effective to welding zone selective corrosion .

  8. 同时,在热影响区及母材区的晶界处均存在元素偏析现象,出现富Cu区。

    At the same time , both aeras of BM and HAZ are elements of the grain boundary segregation phenomenon , rich in Cu .

  9. 光束钎焊对接接头的断裂强度σb、相对延伸率δ、断面收缩率ψ均低于被钎焊母材。

    The breaking strength σ b , relative elongation δ and fracture surface shrinkage ψ of butt joint by light beam brazing are lower than those of brazed base material .

  10. C形环焊缝应力腐蚀性能好于母材,在温度±35℃,5%NaCl盐雾箱内连续喷雾760h以上不开裂。

    Stress corrosion property of c-ring is better than parent metal 's , c-ring shows no cracking under ± 35 ℃ temperature , 5 % NaCl solution and continuous spraying 760 hours .

  11. 其最佳工艺参数为:熔融焊料温度≤270℃,母材在熔融焊料中的浸渍时间为2~3s。

    The best soldering parameters are temperature less or equal to 270 ℃, and soakage time in 2-3s .

  12. 试验表明用Zn作中间夹层虽可与母材铝形成低熔点共晶液相,但由于对铝的强烈溶蚀作用,无法形成钎焊接头;

    It has been proved that using Zn as sandwich metal can form eutectic liquid phase with but will have severe corroding effect on base metal Al .

  13. 实验结果表明,普通钎料和快冷钎料中Si元素在母材基体中的扩散过程基本相同。

    The results indicated that the diffusion behavior of element Si in the matrix is basically the same no matter whether it came from rapid solidifiable or common brazing metal .

  14. 而FSW接头分别为母材的77.23%和78.86%。

    And FSW joint is of the base materials were 77.23 % and 78.86 % .

  15. 镁砂铝矾土、硅粉、硅粉镁砂铝矾土体系焊料可塑性差、分散性差、易固化且与Si3N4陶瓷母材粘附性差;

    The slurry properties of the Magnesia & Bauxite adhesive is poor in plasticity and conglutination with Si_3N_4 ceramics , which also solidify easily .

  16. 结果表明,Al-Si钎料中加入1%~1.5%的Mg作为活化剂,有利于铝母材表面氧化膜的去除;

    The results indicated that Mg of 1 % ~ 1.5 % added into the Al-Si filler metal was beneficial to the removing of the oxide film .

  17. 在BHW-35钢及焊缝材料总应变控制低周疲劳试验基础上,采用概率统计分析方法对实验数据进行分析,得到母材和焊缝材料的PSN曲线。

    P-S-N curves of BHW-35 steel and of its weld metal are obtained with the total stain controlled low-cycle fatigue test and the probability and statistic method .

  18. 采用双环电化学动电位再活化法(EPR法)研究316L奥氏体不锈钢扩散连接试样与母材的晶间腐蚀行为。

    Intergranular corrosion for diffusion bonded joints and base materials of316L stainless steel was investigated by double loop EPR test .

  19. 激光-TIG电弧复合热源在钢板上以类似于热导焊的焊接模式熔化母材,使得熔池中熔化的金属Mg、Ni以及Fe处于一种亚稳态。

    The laser-TIG hybrid heating source heats the steel by a similar thermal conductivity welding way , and this will keep the melting metals of Mg , Ni , Fe a metastable state .

  20. 结果表明,焊管在H2S介质中的损伤表现为母材表面氢鼓泡及应力腐蚀裂纹;

    Results indicate that the H 2S damage of welded pipes shows blister and stress corrosion cracking ( SCC ) in pipe surface .

  21. 电渣母材用GH1040合金的VOD精炼

    VOD Refining of Superalloy GH 1040 for ESR

  22. 载荷越大,焊缝与母材的强度差别越大;积分路径中包含的焊缝与母材界面长度越大,J积分的差值越大。

    Moreover , the difference of J-integral values increases with the increasing of the load and strength mismatching difference and the path-enclosed length of interface between weld metal and base metal .

  23. 本文研究了C,Si,Al及Bi对铸铁型焊缝组织及硬度与母材半熔化区宽度的影响。

    In this paper the influences of 0 , Si , Al and Bi on the structure and hardness of cast iron type weld and the width of semi-melting zone in the base metal has been investigated .

  24. 焊后经T6热处理,可与同炉热处理母材等强。

    After the post-weld T6 heat treatment , the tensile strength of the joints is equal to the BM .

  25. 为了提高致密度,在粉末压坯和TiAl母材之间添加了Ag-Cu钎料箔。

    In order to solve these problem , Ag-Cu brazing foils were placed between the powder compacts and the TiAl substrate .

  26. BHW-35钢母材和焊缝的应变疲劳性能

    Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior on the BHW-35 Steel Material and Weld Bead

  27. 介绍了耐磨堆焊熔敷层热袭纹的形成机理,并以15钢为母材,研究了高C合金多层堆焊中化学成分对热裂纹倾向的影响。

    This paper introduced the formation mechanism of thermal crackle during deposit welding , and made research on the influence of chemical ingredient in hard_facing weld deposits on thermal crackling tendency during multi_layer deposit welding of high_carbon alloy using 15 # steel as matrix .

  28. 从焊接HAZ熔合区到母材,随着距熔合区距离的增大,显微特性发生明显的变化。

    The microstructure characteristics change obviously from the fusion zone of the welded HAZ to the basis material with far away from the fusion zone .

  29. 对含Mo含N较高钢种的对焊接头,两者的效果更佳,尤其是两者综合处理后的接头,其临界点蚀温度CPT甚至高于对应母材经酸洗以后的CPT。

    When both solution treatment and pickling were employed , the CPT of welds alloyed with higher amount of Mo and N was even higher than that of corresponding pickled base metals .

  30. 通过宏观断口分析、x射线应力分析、电子扫描分析,发现疲劳裂纹的萌生点在镀层表面的切削刀痕处,而不是镀层与母材的结合面上。

    Through micro analysis , X-ray analysis and electronic scanning , it is found that the fatigue cracks initiate at the cut edge of the plated surface rather than at the joined area of the plating and the base material .