
  • 网络breast milK jaundice;BMJ;breast milk jaundice,BMJ
  1. 母乳性黄疸综合征54例分析

    Analysis of 54 cases of breast milk jaundice syndrome

  2. 新生儿母乳性黄疸影响因子与中医证型相关性研究

    Survey on Risk Factors for Breast Milk Jaundice of Neonates and the Relationship between the Clinic and Manifestation of TCM

  3. 结果早发型母乳性黄疸组MOT、GAS的水平明显高于对照组,在统计学上有显著性差异;

    Results There were significance difference between two groups in motilin and gastrin .

  4. 结论新生儿早发型母乳性黄疸与胃肠激素MOT、GAS水平的降低密切相关,且与喂养方式密切相关。因此对新生儿应改进母乳喂养,严密监测黄疸的发生,及早干预。

    Conclusion Early breast milk jaundice was associated with the lower levels of plasma gastrointestinal hormone and the feeding method in neonates .

  5. 方法对87例母乳性黄疸患儿监测尿视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)、尿β2-微球蛋白(β2-MG)水平。

    Methods Urine RBP and β 2-MG level of 87 breast feeding jaundice were continuously monitored .

  6. 结果:母乳性黄疸患儿血中及其母亲乳汁中MTL、GAS水平均低于正常对照组且有显著性差异(P<0.001);

    Results : The serum and milk motilin and gastrin levels in the early breast milk jaundice group was significantly lower than that of the controls ( P < 0.001 ) .

  7. 结果:高胆病因前5位是G6PD缺陷、围产因素、感染、溶血性疾病、母乳性黄疸。

    Results : The anterior five etiological factors of hyperbilirubinemia were defect of G6PD , perinatal period , infection , haemolyticus disease and breast-feeding jaundice respectively .

  8. 方法:对1995年3月~1996年10月母乳性黄疸患儿22例,进行微量胆红素(MB)动态监测和出院随访。

    Methods : Clinical data and results of serum minimum bilirubin ( MB ) of twenty two babies of breast feeding jaundice from 1995 3 to 1996 10 in our unit were collected .

  9. 目的探讨母乳性黄疸(BMJ)患儿肾功能变化及早期干预对肾功能的影响。

    Objective To investigate the renal function changes of the children with breast milk jaundice ( BMJ ) and effect of early interference treatment on renal function .

  10. 微量胆红素监测母乳性黄疸22例分析

    Serum minimum bilirubin monitoring in 22 cases with breast feeding jaundice

  11. 茵陈盆草汤治疗新生儿母乳性黄疸疗效观察

    Treatment of newborn breast-milk jaundice using artemisia capillaris trough grass soup

  12. 新生儿母乳性黄疸150例分析

    The Analysis of 150 Cases of Neonatal Breast Milk Jaundice

  13. 结论思密达能有效治疗新生儿母乳性黄疸。

    Conclusion Smecta can cure neonate 's breast-feeding jaundice effectively .

  14. 母乳性黄疸患儿体液免疫变化的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Humoral Immunologic Changes in Infants with Breast Milk Jaundice

  15. 体重、心肌酶在母乳性黄疸鉴别诊断中的意义

    Differential diagnosis significance of weight and myocardium enzyme in breast milk jaundice

  16. β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶测定对新生儿母乳性黄疸的诊断价值

    Diagnostic Values of β glucuronidase Measurement for Breast Milk Jaundice in Neonates

  17. 母乳性黄疸患儿T细胞亚群的变化

    The Changes of T Cell Subsets in Infants with Breast Milk Jaundice

  18. 母乳性黄疸肾损害相关研究及临床意义

    A study on breast feeding jaundice and kidney function damage

  19. 母乳性黄疸的识别与处理

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Milk Jaundice in Infants

  20. 两种疗法治疗母乳性黄疸对比分析

    Contrasting Analysis of Two Methods in Treating Breast-feeding Jaundice

  21. 微生态制剂对母乳性黄疸胆红素代谢的影响

    Effect of probiotics powder on infant with maternal jaundice

  22. 母乳性黄疸的临床干预探讨

    Clinical study on the management of breast milk jaundice

  23. 母乳性黄疸对肾功能的影响及其早期干预

    Influence of Breast Milk Jaundice on Renal Function and Its Early Interference Treatment

  24. β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶与母乳性黄疸关系的观察

    Correlation between beta glucuronidase and breast milk jaundice

  25. 光疗对母乳性黄疸的疗效观察

    The Effect of Phototherapy on Breast Milk Jaundice

  26. 酪酸梭菌活菌散治疗母乳性黄疸疗效观察

    The observation on effect of Clostridium butyricum powder in treatment of breast milk jaundice

  27. 抚触联合金双歧治疗母乳性黄疸的疗效观察

    Effect of touch combined with oral Live Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus to treat the breast-feeding jaundice

  28. 方法对102例母乳性黄疸婴儿的临床表现、实验室检查及治疗进行回顾性分析。

    Methods A retrospective study was performed to analyze the clinical data of 102 infants with BMJ .

  29. 目的:探讨新生儿母乳性黄疸诊断及治疗。

    Objective : To study the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal breast milk jaundice ( BMJ ) .

  30. 早发型母乳性黄疸与哺乳胎便排泄关系的调查及干预措施的研究

    Survey on the relationship between early breast-feeding - induced jaudice and lactation and meconium excretion and some interventions